This is a set up.

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How many photos did one magazine need? For the past 10 minutes they had been snapping shots of Zak stood by his car and like him, I was beginning to get bored.

"Okay and if we get one of you by the-"

"How come there are so many photos being taken?" I questioned.

Before the columnist could answer Tina intercepted "Because they take the best shots. Whilst there are 20 on the card, they choose just one. Which also has to be approved by Zak, they also look into editing the photo."

"Right." The columnist smiled before turning back to order Zak into another position.

"Zak we have to take off in 5 minutes." I lied making him nod.

"Where?" Tina questioned.

"Zak has an appointment that we need to attend too."

"With who?" She asked.

"It's a private matter." I finished looking at him as he tried to remain positive about the repetitive mode of this shoot.

"I would have thought this was more important." She chimed in my ear making me grind my teeth.

"Whilst it is important. Zak's health is priority. At all times." I replied sweetly before looking over to Billy who gave me a wink.

Shaking my head I turned back the columnist as he spoke. "Is this your gorgeous partner? How about a photo together?" He suggested.

I almost choked but as he held out his hand, I realised he was talking to Tina.

"Uh we aren't dating. Tina works for me." Zak corrected brushing off his shirt.

"Well how about one anyway?"

"I think it will send the wrong message. I am talking about cars in the article, not my relationship status.."

"If you would like to add-"

"No." Zak deadpanned. "As you heard my assistant, I have to be somewhere soon. Where would you like me now?"

It was another 10 minutes before I gave up and almost pulled Zak away insisting that we had to get going. His face had said it all after being stuck there for almost 25 minutes.

"Could have taken me out 15 minutes ago." He complained as we sank into his car seats.

"You needed to have the photos taken, now they are, they can't come back with some bullcrap excuse that they didn't get enough at the time. They have a whole card to sift through."

"That got seriously mind dulling."

"Why do you think I pulled you out? Let's just drive around until the coast is clear."

"Good idea." He finalised as we left the house and headed down around the private community.

I had informed Zak that Billy would text when they have left, so it was now a case of waiting.

"What a weird idea.." Zak spoke suddenly making me look from my window over to him.

"What is?"

"Having a photo with Tina, pretending to be my partner, despite her not being my partner.."

I smiled slightly "I think it was a small mistake, probably seen Tina and presumed she was here because you two were an item. Easy mistake to make."

"You didn't think that.. Did you?" He questioned.

"What? Oh no, but that is only because I know you're not seeing her.. Or you might be? It doesn't make no odds to me."


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