No work day

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Last night I had dreamt of him..

His hands. His smile, his eyes, his laugh, the stubble, his cologne..

I had disturbed Joe from his sleep as I fought and cried in my nightmare until Joe decided to wake me up.

But every time I closed my eyes, his face was there. The sneering smile, the beady eyes and fatty fingers. It was because of him that I couldn't sleep and at 3.32am I stepped into the kitchen and began cleaning.

I used it as a coping mechanism when the nightmares used to be more frequent. I used to move, room from room until sun rose and safety would resume.

This morning was the same, as Joe stepped into the kitchen, he knew purely from the recycling bin.

"Oh Haven.." He sighed gently.

"I'm okay." I answered giving him a quick smile pushing some breakfast towards him as I helped him dress.

"Why didn't you wake me?" He asked guiding my face up with his hand.

"I should be over it." I shrugged "Some people have worse."

He sighed again before giving me a hug. "Don't ever suffer, just wake me up next time you can't go back to sleep."

I nodded and lifted my head to see Sarah coming out of my room holding a baby bottle.

"Morn- woah." She spoke seeing the recycling bin.

"Haven is home." Joe laughed. I gave a small smile to Sarah, a little embarrassed.

"Joe told me." She informed me causing my eyes to move off her bruised face to his in horror.

"I only told her because of Lena." He spoke lifting his hands in defence.

"I hope you don't mind?" Sarah asked a little unsure.

Yes I do. What I told Joe was private! I told him in confidence and he betrayed that!

"Of course not." I lied. I couldn't be angry at her, with Joe? Most definitely but not for a woman who's got a newborn and holding so many bruises you'd think she escaped a car accident.

Her once blonde hair that bounced at her every step was tied up cruelly into a messy bun. Her dazzling blue eyes now looked dull and tired. I knew babies were hard work when they were little but I also knew that Sarah's visible changes were due to her husbands handy work.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her gently as the light picked up on the powered bruises she had tried to cover on her neck and arms.

"Getting there.. Slowly. The less I see of Matthew the better. I'm worried for Lena though.."

I gave her a sympathetic smile "The Judge will put in injunctions to keep you both safe. Try not to worry too much."

She nodded before rinsing the bottle and placing it inside of the steriliser. "Where-"

I opened the fridge door to show two prepared bottles ready to go and the third on the side awaiting its formula.

"Oh Haven." She whispered getting teary.

"Now, I'm going to do this feed. You're going to take the longest and hottest bath or shower."

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