Something to consider

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My blood coursed through my veins as I danced to the beat of the music that thudded through the club. The bass vibrated through my body almost shaking my heart amongst its own beating.
      Seas of bodies flocked to the dance floor making it difficult to move but I continued to throw my hair back and forth whilst dipping my waist rhythmically. Changing positions occasionally when a stranger got too handy. Each man thinking they could grind their semis into me whilst I tried to have a good night.

Hands rose to the ceiling as the the music grew, all waiting for the bass drop into the song. My body was brought back into another, hands dominating my waist but the simple smell of cologne of the clubs distinct smell of sweat and smoke made me stay. I knew the cologne, the touch of the hands and the voice as it spoke against my ear.

"You're so fucking beautiful!" Joe informed me, his lips pressing against my ear, the alcohol slurring his words slightly.

I leant my head back against his shoulder in order to speak with him whilst I carried on dancing.
    "Any lucky ladies in here for Casanova tonight?"

His arm fixated around my waist keeping me close as he dipped his hips in rhythm with mine. I felt his arm tighten to slow my movement to his. His lips pressing a kiss on my bare shoulder before he replied.

"Only a few. I'm scouting."

I rolled my eyes continuing to weave my hips when a breathy pant filled my ears. "Dammit Haven, how any man is suppose to dance with you...."

His body was flat against mine, leaving little to the imagination in the trouser department as his semi had grew harder.

"Get out the kitchen if you can't handle the heat!" I laughed taking the rest of his drink and knocking it back.

I pulled a face at the sour mixture, passing him back the empty glass and continuing on. "That was mine."

"Was." I grinned purposely pushing my backside against his groin. A groan left his lips which were pressed against my ear before he pulled away completely.

"You're not playing nice." He pouted making me giggle.

"Go find a nice girl to play with." I responded heading to the bar.

"Be careful!" He warned making me nod.

After standing around the bar for almost 10 minutes of cries of patrons wanting to get a drink, the bar tender served me up a glass.

"Hey I didn't give my order yet?" I frowned in confusion.

"That's because you didn't pay for it. From the gentleman in the corner." He nodded.

I turned to see who he was speaking off but his face was sunk into the darkness of the booth. My eyes stayed on the corner as I received the drink and lifted it with a smile. A hand came out of the darkness to lift the glass returning my silent thank you, it was then I clocked something..

Long fingers, tattoo.

I waited wondering if the man I had just thanked for my drink that I was now sipping carefully was in fact my boss that had reduced me to tears today?

Eventually I gave up when a flock of woman boarded around the booth like bees to a honey pot. Whoever it was must have enjoyed the attention as each woman approaching had less and less on.

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