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"Tell me again." Zak urged making me zip my lips close. "Please? You don't know how long I've waited.."

"It can't have been that long." I retorted rolling my eyes playfully.

"Oh but it has." He countered wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smiled at the little gesture and then realised his motives as a hand snaked towards the BBQ pork I had just took from the oven. A light slap on his hand had him chuckling.

"It's hot." I replied.

"Yeah you are.." He responded kissing my neck and making me giggle.

"That was a cheesy comeback, but I like it."

"Yeah?" He asked making me nod. "Good perhaps I can try a little no-"

"No. Just wait or you'll burn your fingers." I chided.

"It smells so good though." He groaned into my neck.

He wasn't wrong, the BBQ pork before me looked mouthwatering and the smell was making my mouth salivate and stomach rumble.

"Well distract yourself." - I would later regret those words as he began to attack my neck with playful bites and kisses making me snigger and giggle.

That was until a clearing of someone's throat caused us to spring apart. Tearing my head around, I found Zak's mom stood in the doorway with her arms folded watching the pair of us.

"Hey mom." Zak spoke, I noticed his voice had gone up about 3 octaves from the husky, sultry tones he was whispering into my ear only minutes earlier.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything.. I came to talk about why you fired Tina, seems I have my answer." She replied flicking her eyes over to me. Her eyes had turned cold and dare I say murderous towards me, to save myself from the mothering glare, I took interest in my toes.

"I fired Tina because she overstepped the mark and made a pass at me." Zak replied calmly pinching some pork and stuffing it into his mouth quickly.

I daren't discipline him whilst his mom is here. Shit may hit the fa-

"But it's okay for Haven to climb in your bed like some low rent tart. No doubt because of your show and money?" She asked.

Well shit.

I opened my mouth to defend myself but Zak was quick to jump into my corner. "How dare you come in here and say that? My love life is nobodies business!"

"Love? She doesn't love you Zak. It's all about what's in your bank-"

"How would you know?! You know I stupidly thought you'd be happy that I've finally found someone I want to settle down and spend the rest of my life with. But no! You're here throwing accusations around when no doubt Tina has filled your mind of lies!"

"Zak.." I spoke trying to calm him down.

"No Haven!" He snapped pulling his arm away from my hand. "If you cared you'd be happy for me and you'd apologise to Haven immediately-"

"That's not necessary." I added shaking my head.

"No! Either apologise or leave." He finished fixing his angry gaze onto his mom, whose eyes were wide with her own fiery rage.

"Please don't fight over me." I begged looking between them, I now realised where Zak got his stubbornness from as they both refused to break the glare.

"Nancy, please. I know you and Tina's mom are close friends, and I bet you had some hope that Zak would fall for her. But you can't be angry for him finding happiness, can you?" I asked.

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