The slip

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"Mean girls!" I shouted at the TV causing Zak to look at me like I had 2 heads.

"We're not watching that." He answered dismissing my idea as he  turned his back to me to look at the TV.

"Hey! You said I could pick.." I pouted before shouting "John Tucker Must Die!"

"No chick flicks. I didn't take you for a chick flick person anyway."

My brow rose "And why not?"

He laughed looking over his shoulder "Well I mean.. You're a bit hardened up to be a girl."

"I can be a girl. I wear skirts and heels."

"True... Those pencil skirts always look good on your ass." He answered.

His comment caused my face to flush at the idea that he had been looking at my butt. I mean, I caught him having a look once but how often had he been peeking.

"You shouldn't have been looking." I retaliated.

"Oh please, it was hard not too." He winked turning back the other way.

"I feel I've been objectified as a sexual object.. For that I need popcorn." I rolled off the bed wearing a pair of his shorts and a haunted museum top. I had changed into them after coming back from Goldfield where Zak drove us around showing me the hotel and the high school, both of which are haunted.

"I'll get it." He replied stepping away from the TV to do it.

"Nu-uh. I'll get it. You pick the film and hurry up."

"Fiiine.." He sighed sitting on the bed as I left his room and headed down the hall.

Finding the popcorn packet, I threw it in the microwave and pulled out a bowl ready for the salty goodness when I remembered Zak always had a candy stash.

I tore around the pantry and checked all the cupboards until my eyes settled for the last cupboard. Grinning, I heaved myself up on to the work surface.

And with bronchitis, that sh*t hurt! Because through my coughing I had pulled the muscles in my back.

Biting my tongue I kept my smile as I angled my body around the cupboard door and looked inside.

Glasses, pills, first aid box.. CANDY!

As my hand slapped down on the Twizzlers, a clearing of a throat startled me. I jolted dropping the Twizzler packet onto the ground. My eyes widened at the absolute deception of my hands before I looked at the packet.

"How did you get up there?" He asked. Feeling like a scolded child I turned my attention to the cupboard door.

"Um.. I- you'll laugh when I tell you.." I replied.

"Go on then." He challenged.


"Well I kinda fell up here."

"Really?" He asked. I bit my lip at my god awful lie and nodded.

"Uh yeah... Totally weird right?"

"Haven look at me and tell me that again?" The amusement in his voice was clear but I was caught red handed.

"I can't..." I replied feeling his presence behind me.

"And why is that?"

"Cause I was going to eat your Twizzlers.."

"I can see that." He mocked.

"I was going to eat them without you." I added causing him to gasp.

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