Zak's Admission

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Two days later..

I swatted the hand away making Zak yelp at the slap he received. For the past few hours he had been trying to get a look at the dress I brought for our date night. Only I wasn't budging on making him wait.

"Leave it." I warned.

"But... But I want to see-"

"No. You're gonna wait. Like a good boy."  I replied pushing my blouse into my black pencil skirt.

"What if I wanna be bad?" He asked.

"Bad boys get punished." I retorted.

"Is that suppose to sound bad? Cause I'm getting excited." Zak replied making me roll my eyes.

"Honestly... You're always ready for playtime aren't you?"

"No, but I'm always ready for you." He replied buttoning up his shirt.

I took my time in watching him dress, shirts were a favourite of mine as they hugged his back and biceps he worked so hard for. All whilst his back narrowed into a small set of hips.

"How do I look?" I asked stepping back and lifting my hands out.

He turned taking in my attire. "Professional, sexy, beautiful."

I flushed "Okay. Don't over do it."

"I'm not and that's the truth." He pressed a kiss on my temple as he passed leaving me to chew on my lip.

I followed Zak out the walk in and leant against the door frame. "You sure you wanna come?"

He paused before looking at me "Why? Don't you want me there?"

The spike of jealousy was already there this morning, but jealousy for what, I have no idea.

"Of course I do. You know how antsy I am. I just don't like to think I'm keeping you from anything."

"Well you're not."

"Good." I smiled taking a short breath. "Good cause I really need you with me today."

A genuine smile broke across his face, no doubt from me admitting how needy I was feeling. "Well I'm here for you sweet." He answered brushing his hand over his shirt.

I began packing up my handbag of things I need and things I might need. For example, I had a note pad and pen, having never been in a court room, I didn't know if I was allowed it. I only presumed that sitting in the gallery, that I would be allowed. If not then I had it for when I left.

"Hmm.." Zak hummed standing behind me and resting his hands on my hips making me pause.

"We haven't got time." I sang trying to pull away.

The grinding of his hips had me questioning how quick we could be and if this court case was really that important.

"You smell phenomenal and this skirt..."

I hid my smirk, knowing full well he had got his morning kick of helping me plan my outfit. I found it highly unfair how men could throw an outfit together and just look mouthwatering. - Especially the man behind me..

"Zak I need to--"

"Oh you have been up all night for the past two nights for what that man said.. You'll get your answers today. You'll find out who she is. Christina isn't it?"

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