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I hummed quietly to myself as I placed another freakish doll onto a shelf. Slowly filling the wall space with dozens of paired glass eyes and faded white faces.

For the past three hours, I had been hiding out at Zak's museum, having conveniently left my phone at home so he couldn't ring me. But now I was considering that maybe I was being childish.

Who expects more than casual? I mean we're only doing everything together, sharing a bed, sleeping together every damn night (not complaining.. I'm not but I'm seriously unfit compared to him), doing couple things, he's protective, we are happy and then suddenly I'm being pushed away cause it's casual.

Screw his casual.

Screw his protective male dominance.

"Do I need to come in wearing armour?" He asked poking his head around the door.

"I don't care what you do." I replied stepping down off the ladder and moving it across to another empty space at the top for a China doll with a small blue dress and big brown eyes.

"Well I'll take a risk." He spoke.

"Did you have me followed as well?" I asked fixing the doll to sit up straight.

"No. The alarm system sent a text.." He replied wiggling his phone. "You forgot your phone."

"I left my phone so you couldn't badger me on my whereabouts. You know, being casual and all that."

He sighed as I got down off the ladder and closed it up placing it against the other wall. "Is this what the disappearing act is about?"

"Pretty much. I mean I'm living with you, working with you, sleeping with you. Hell I'm pretty much a growth on your side but if casual is how you wanna be? Perhaps I'll hit up Tinder and se-"

"No." He interrupted before pulling a face at himself. "I mean.. You're not like that. Are you?"

I folded my arms in annoyance because I wasn't the type of woman to jump out one bed and in another. And he knew it.

"First time for everything." I muttered.

"Haven come on, I don't wanna fight with you."

"We don't need to, we are both consenting adults who enjoy sex. So with that being said, you go and have fun tonight, I'll make myself scarce and give you the house. Maybe I'll check into a decent hotel this time. A nice one on the strip."

"For crying out loud! I said casual because I don't want my mom thinking we're about to run off into the sunset together dammit!" He snapped.

"Your mom? Don't blame your mom for this. You've just settled whatever questions I had."

"What questions?" He asked as I left the room and headed down to the storage room where pretty much everything was kept. Secretly it was the dumping room until we knew what was going where. But we called it a storage room just for effect.

"About us. You get all jealous one minute and then you're chill the next, you were confusing me but now I know how you feel and how we aren't anything. I can now window shop too." I smiled showing him how not annoyed I was.

I was so annoyed..

"Look, my mom has been trying to matchmake me since I was 30. Telling me I need to settle down and have someone to come home too. So the moment she sees a woman within 4 feet of me, she's ready to buy a fucking hat. So I said we were casual, that's what you want isn't it?!"

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