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I paced around the rental with my phone in my hand, I had been trying to get hold of Joe for the past hour after almost 8 hours of radio silence. I was now worried at why the police had arrived at our apartment.

Had something happened to Drew?

Was Joe in some kind of trouble?

I had no idea and his lack of communication wasn't helping!

"Dammit Joe!" I snapped pulling my phone away from my ear as I heard his answer machine again.

"Can't get hold of lover boy?" Zak teased.

"Button it. It's not even funny." I bit scrolling to Drew's number. I chewed my lip and eventually pressed call.

Taking a seat on the arm of the couch I waited... and waited.... and waited.




"Where's Joe? Are you with him?"

"What? No. He's not home."

"Have you seen him?" I stressed.

"Uh ye- no. No actually not since this morning what's wrong?"

"Can you just ring me when you see him or just send me a text? He's gone AWOL."

"Uh sure.." he replied hesitantly.

"Thank you."

We hung up on each other leaving me to go back to Joe's number.

"You're turning bunny boiler.." Zak sang as he watched some MMA thing with Bacon.

"Did I ask for your opinion? No. Just go beat your chest somewhere else."

"Burn. You want some Aloe Vera bro?" Bacon laughed.

I was back up pacing the room with a sick feeling in my stomach, a feeling I didn't like. A feeling I didn't want to get used to.

"You're gonna wear the carpet out."

I threw the back of Zak's head an annoyed look. The man had been on my case since I had begun my quest of ringing Joe and right now, I was a whisker from heading home.

"Anyone would think you're his wife from how you're badgering him." Zak commented as I left him yet another voicemail.

"Why don't you just shut your cake hole?! Worry about your own life and keeping your own shit together and maybe I wouldn't have to do it for you!" I shouted at him storming out and slamming the door behind me.

I instantly regretted it.

Going back in wasn't a option, so I headed down the corridor and into Zak's room in a hope the double doors to the patio were open. But I walked into what I could describe as world war three.

"What the actual f-.." I trailed off looking at the mess of the room.

Had we been burgled?!

I checked the room before going to the front door to check that it wasn't forced open and we had been to stupid not to notice before I headed back to his room.

"He couldn't have used all this?" I whispered looking at the extra blankets and sheets.

However there was no explanation so it only suggested that last night Zak mummified himself in a bed.
Shaking my head, I tidied up the room and hung all his clothes up from the suitcase pushed across the floor laying wide open. Only pressing the creases out of one shirt that had been screwed up from his rummaging.

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