Chapter 37 - Don't Speak

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A/N: I understand the confusion in the last chapter, its perfectly okay haha. Yes it was a flashback. Cameron was having a flashback to the time he actually admitted he was in love with her. And for those of you slightly more confused, they're both 17 in this book. Yes, I know Cam is almost 20 in real life. Andddd yes Jake is Cameron's dog. I have another thing planned (: And for those of you slightly more confused, that was also the first time Cameron was fully introduced to Amara's mom.

Sorry for confusing you guys haha (BUT SOME OF YOU GUYS NEED TO READ AUTHORS NOTES)

BTWWWW, my next few chapters are going to be filled with Cameron's POV. So yeahhh.

Now. Here's the airport scene you've literally all have been dying for.

Cameron's POV

"Amara," I said. Amara turned around and noticed I was waiting for her. She blushed then walked ahead of me; into the aisle of the plane. She continued walking.

"Cameron?" I heard a whisper behind me. I turned around and noticed a small young girl with light brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin standing there with a smile.

"Hi," I stopped and smiled back. I moved out of the airplane aisle allowing everyone to pass by; she followed.

"You're Cameron Dallas, right?" She asked with a grin stretching ear to ear. I nodded. She stepped closer and hugged my torso with all her strength.

"What's your name beautiful?" I asked.

"Britney," She flashed a smile, then stepped out of the hug.

"Well, Britney," I kissed her cheek making her blush immediately. "I have to go catch up with everyone else, but I hope you have a good day."

"Oh, I will now," Her grin grew.

"What's your twitter?" I asked as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I turned off airplane mode then quickly opened the app. She said her username with a smile; I then pressed the follow button. I wrapped my arms around her again then told her I had to go find Amara.

"Who's Amara?" She questioned.

"My best friend," I replied with a smirk. "Maybe more."

"Oh, I hope she becomes your girlfriend," She commented then quickly turned her head around responding to her parents-I'm assuming-who were calling her. "I have to go, but thank you for talking to me and following me."

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