Everything Is Going To Change parttwo

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Tobias POV

We walk back to class after the principal's office. He let me go. I do not know why. Maybe it was because he likes Tris because she is his favorite student. It is actually true. I am not lying about that. Well, Tris blamed everything on Al and the principal just let us go. He told us that he would have a talk with Al. I hope that Al gets expelled so I do not have to see his face ever again. I also hope that for Tris. She does not deserve what Al has put her through.

"Nice acting, baby." I say and swing her hand.

"I was not acting. It was his fault." Tris assures and squeezes my hand.

"-no sickness that include your symptoms." Says a voice coming from the nurse's office.

"-wr-wrong with me?" Says a girly voice. It sounds a lot like Christina's.

I grab Tris and pull her with me so we can hear more of what they are saying.

"-social life or a boyfriend?" The other voice asks.

I think that is Christina, "-hy?"

"-think you're pregnant." The other voice states. Maybe the nurse. Yeah, probably. Who else?

"But. . ." Christina say, sobbing.

We inch closer to the door, our ears press against the door.

"Most teens get pregnant at this age but it doesn't mean that it's right. Dauntless, however, do things fast. They don't take precautions so I believe that this is what is wrong with you. Not saying that a baby is wrong." The nurse says.

"What is it?" Christina asks.

"A pregnancy test." The nurse replies.

"What do I do with it?" I hear Chris mumble and cry again.

Tris grasp my arm and whispers, "Christina is pregnant."

"Wow. . . How is Will going to feel?" I ask, shocked.

"I. . . Don't know. Is he even. . . ." Tris mumbles.

"Maybe. Who else?" I question.

Tris murmurs, "Yeah, I guess."

"I am never having kids." I answer.

Tris grabs her belly. Maybe out of instinct. Or is it something else? Is Tris pregnant. No, she cannot be. We only have not had sex in a while with school and our wedding. Well, without protection. There was a few weeks ago. After paintball. . . . But why would she try and kill herself? Was it the hormones. I do not know much about pregnancy but my mother apparently died giving child birth. Would not of Tris told be so? I do not know. There was so much going on. Especially with my sour attitude.

"Tri-" I try to say.

Tris runs away, sobbing. I notice one thing. She is clutching her stomach the whole way down the hall.


Will's POV

"Chris!" I call her name as she runs down the hallway. She has not been at class all morning. I wonder what is wrong with her. I heard that she went down to the nurse.

She turns around. Tears stroke her face and her makeup stains it. I would of never of thought that Christina would let her makeup run. She is not the kind of person. She loves makeup and everything has to be perfect. Something must be wrong if she is letting her makeup run down her face. And I mean really wrong.

"I am pregnant." She states, staring into my celery green eyes. Everyone stares at us in the hallway.

"Yo-you. . . ." I try to say but I am baffled.

"Yeah. Go on, break up with me already." Chris says while throwing her arms in the air.

"Chris, I wasn't going to do that. I'm not that kind of person." I say and try and wrap my arms around her.

She shakes my arms off, "Will. . . ."

I let her cry into my shoulder and comfort her, "It's okay. I am never leaving you. You will make a great mother."

"I love you. You will be a perfect father." She sobs into my black shirt.


Lynn's POV

"Look at her hair." Whispers an Erudite girl. It wasn't even a whisper. She said it really loud. Loud enough that everyone in the school laughed.

"I know. She looks like a boy." Says another Erudite girl.

"Are we sure she's even a girl?" Laughs the first.

"How is she even dating Peter?" Says the first.

"Or any guy at all?" Snickers the other.

Yeah, I got my haircut. It is a pixie haircut again. I cut it because I don't want the boys to think that I am not as stir as they are. I had it during Initiation so that the guys would not underestimate me because I looked like a girl. Some boys were saying that I could not fight so I do not want that to happen. I am as Dauntless as the rest of them.

I go up to the girls and snap, "Get a life."

"I have one." Says the first girl. She has blonde hair that is curly. She's wearing a really short blue dress with high blue heels.

"Yeah, she's the most popular girl at school!" Says the other Erudite girl. She also has blonde hair but it's curly. She's wearing a really short blue skirt and blue heels.

"Like I even care." I hiss.

"You better watch what you say." Says the first girl.

I hit her right in her nose.

She squeals, "My makeup!"

"I thought that Erudites only cared about books." I chuckle.

"I will ruin your life, freak." Snaps the first girl. She bumps into me on purpose and she then struts away. Her friends follow after her. They each give me a death glare as they pass.

Looks like I just made an enemy with an Erudite. Great and now all of her friends. . . .


A/N: might update later tonight cause I am bored tonight. I'm listening to Eminem. I love him. Especially RapGod. That song is da bomb. And I'll probably watch vines of Nash Grier later. So yeah that's my exciting Friday night. Comment and vote. I love your comments!!! ILY☺️ thank you for the idea @dauntlesscakeyay I forgot to add Uriah and Mar but I will include them in the next chapter. Comment ideas! Should I improve anything??

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