Christina's POV

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It's him.


Al is dead.

Thankfully Will is alive. I do not know what I would do without him. My baby is alive and in my stomach. Will is my other half and whom is the father of our baby. I have known him since our Initiation and even though we have had our ups and downs, we will always be together. Tris is pregnant! I heard the news by Shauna that Tris is pregnant. Will and I have been out of school for a few days and we were released out of the hospital today. Tris and I would like to have a baby shower together. It will be so much fun!


A/N: here's a little chapter that I worked on last night but my iPad died like a second after I started. Sorry it took a while to update. I just got home from practice. Comment some ideas and vote! Sorry it was short but I will make it up. I promise. Btw.... ily😍 thanks for bearing with me!! Oh and you know Veronica Roth? Well I am not her so I do not own any of the Divergent characters. Who saw the Divergent trailer?? It's ah-mazing but it's been out for a while and I forgot to ask. Who got their tickets? I want to get mine early!!!!

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