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I wake up to stomping and ruckus. Today is the Choosing Ceremony. It's a Saturday so we don't have school. I take a cold shower to wake me up. Then I throw on my usual outfit black shirt, dark jeans, and black converse. I know it's a lot of black but I'm in Dauntless, yeah?

Since I'm up early, I'll go get some Dauntless cake. Long strides get me there in no time. I see black clothed people with a lot of per icings and tattoos. They push and shove each while acting stupid. I remember why I'm here and feel like a coward. I wanted to escape Marcus so I joined Dauntless. But I only have four fears. I hear everyone yell coward! But then I realize it's only my imagination. I should just leave and live with the factionless like any other coward would. I could do it. I could drop out of high school. I only have a couple years left.

I sigh as I open the Cafeteria doors. I skip the line. Everyone is intimidated by me already so they let me through. When I transferred here I knew I was going to be differed from the little Tobias I was. I decided to be the exact opposite of how I used to be. I was going to emotionless, tough, and fearless. Everyone calls me four because I only have four fears. I feel like a coward again because one of those fears has my father. I don't call him father because he doesn't act like a father.

I see a group of girls stare at me and when I look back they giggle. I stare at the ground. I know that I don't like anyone but I wish I didn't have the attention. Sigh. My Abnegation part of me is coming back. I had an Aptitude of Dauntless and Abnegation. I chose Dauntless only to escape from Marcus.

I grab a big slice of cake to drown my sorrows in. I begin to walk with my head down until I realize something. If I want to be intimidating then I have to walk with my head up. I stare across the room. I make my face look angry like I do all of the time.


I look at the table from where I heard the voice. Zeke waves his hand at me. I walk over to him.

"Hey Zeke." I say to my best friend.

"What's up Four?"

"The usual." I tell him smoothly, "What do you think Uriah will pick today?"

He chuckles, "Uri knows that if he doesn't choose Dauntless then I'll kill him."

"I wonder how many transfers there's going to be this year."

"Definitely not from Abnegation."

I look to ground once he says this. Embarrassment. I don't think Zeke remembers what faction I was born in. I never tell him when he asks. Zeke was Dauntless born and so was Uriah. I fell like I don't belong here. Maybe when Dauntless had the old beliefs but definitely not now. I believe in random acts of courage that forces one to stand up from another. Now the Dauntless only believe in power and leadership. Probably brutal fights too. I think that selflessness and bravery aren't that different so I could easily belong in either one.

Casually I reply, "I doubt it because there hasn't been a Stiff in a while."

"What faction did you come from?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm here now." I say too quickly with a scowl. I smile a little to replace that. I can't tell him why I transferred and why because I will be known as the coward. I eat a piece of cake.

"Yeah, you're the Dauntless prodigy. Who could forget."

I laugh and punch his arm, "You're right and I could take you anytime."

"You think?"

"I do." I reply smugly. I know this is a waste of good cake but I do it anyways. I fling some cake at him.

"Four!" He laughs, " You just wasted Dauntless cake!"

I throw some more at him because I'm not that hungry. He does the same. Before long we covered in cake.

"I already took a shower and the Ceremony begins in a half am hour!" I exclaim after looking at the clock.

"Alright this just go like this, my dear friend."

When he gets up from the table, I tag him like when we were younger and start to run.

"Not again! I'm going to get you!" Zeke laughs and chases me.

We bump into crowds of people but it's common in Dauntless. Zeke tags me and I almost fall from his force. I stop and he bumps into me and I tag him. I run. I dodge a lot of black clothed Dauntless. We make it out of out faction. On the way, we pass Erudite headquarters. I shove an Erudite wearing all blue. After adjusting his glasses, the Erudite man makes a face at me. I make a disgusted face back. When I turn away, I laugh. We keep running. I thought I lost Zeke so I look back. My friend falls into me. We lay on the ground with cake smothered on us. We both laugh hysterically. Soon we are at the Ceremony and take our seats. I let Zeke choose and we sit in the back of Dauntless.

I hear Marcus talk so like always I ignore him. I still keep my eyes on the stage so I look like I am listening. He begins to call of the names. I see a lot of blood on the five different bowls. Uriah chooses Dauntless and Zeke cheers. I smile and clap too. After a while, Marcus calls a familiar name.

"Beatrice Prior." She wears Abnegation robes. My father and hers are friends and that's how I know her. Marcus would always praise about Beatrice after the dinners he would go to at his house. I was never allowed to go because I would ruin his reputation. I see her take the knife and hold it far away from herself. It's like she knows that it's wrong to hold it. She looks out in the audience. Probably for her parents. I wish that she would look at me with those beautiful blue eyes. Stop Four. What are you doing. What are you thinking. She doesn't even know you and you are worthless. She would never date you or even think about you. It's true. I'm a coward. Then I see. Sign of hope. Beatrice lifts her eyes and meets mine before cutting her palm.

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