Tobias POV

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We walk into History. I stand by Tris only to realize something. The teacher starts to give out assigned seats. Great, and there's someone who I do not practically like in this class. He is someone who I thought was nice until the accidents involving my wife. No, he was never nice. That was all an act. A show or a performance to egg close to Tris. I hope that I do not have to sit by him. Or if I do it is only so that he cannot hurt Tris again. Like last time. . . .


"Okay, for this group of four will be Zeke, Cara, Jonathan, and Mikel." Mrs. Stone says and points to a group of four desks that are arranged in a square. The desks sit right up front by her desk.

"Yes, smart people!" Zeke cheers and plops down in his seat by Cara. That's Will's older sister but only by a month or two.

I chuckle, "You better hide your answers because Zeke's eyes are wondering!"

Zeke pouts, "But they're all Erudite. They must give me heir answers!"

"I'm Amity." The boy named Mikel says.

Zeke rolls his eyes, "whatever, happy shuck."

"That's not even a word." Cara and Jonathan protest like the Erudite that they are.

"Well, I just made it up, pansycakes!" Zeke yells in frustration to his new seat buddies.

"Bu-" Cara and Jonathan try.

"Now, Zeke, you're up front so you don't pull any more of your pranks with Four." The teacher instructs Zeke.

"But. . . We're prank buds!" Zeke says throwing his arms in the air.

"Your level of intellectual is humorous." Cara mutters.

"Quiet down, class." Mrs. Stone commands overtop everyone's loud conversations.

"Can I sit b-" Someone who I do not know asks the teacher.

"Chuck, Minho, Thomas, and Newt." Mrs. Stone says to a group of burly guys. They sit at a group of four close to Zeke's group.

"Alright, Tommy." Laughs the boy named Newt.

"Greenie." A boy from across the room says. He chuckles. I think his name is Alby.

"My name is Thomas, slinthead" Asserts Thomas.

"You're a pile of klunk." Mumbles Chuck.

"All of you are a shucked face pile of klunk that even the Grievers won't go by." Minho says, proud of himself.

"Good that. I hate 'em." Newt announces.

I wonder what faction their from. They all talk so. . . Weirdly. Like they are from a different place or dementia.

"Shush now. Hazel Grace, Augustus, and Isaac." The teacher says to a a girl and two boys who wear blue. The girl, however walks with some kind of medical thing. The boy-Isaac wears sunglasses and Augustus walks with a limp.

"Okay." Mumbles the short brown haired girl named Hazel.

"Okay." Augustus grins.

"Gus." Hazel moans and stares at Augustus's eyes. She does not look away. They look like they are having a staring contest. After a few more second, Gus blinks. Hazel cheers.

"I finished writing the sequel to An Imperial Affliction." Augustus tells.

"I probably won't be able to read it because I'm a grenade. One day I'm going to obliterate everything in my wake. I don't want to hurt you." Hazel says sadly.

"I hope you know that you trying to keep you distance from me in no way lessens my affection for you." Augustus says.

"Quite!" Instructs Mrs. Stone. "Metias, June, Daniel, and Thomas."

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