Tris POV

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I limp down to the Pit with Tobias' help. Will and Christina talk about something and laugh in front of us. It's a dark hallway. Only a few lights here and there. Then I here someone say my name in a whisper. I look around and don't see anyone.


"Yes Trissy?" He says with a smile.

"Did you call my name?" I ask.

"No....why?" He replies.

"I-I thought," I whisper now, "that I heard someone call my name."

"Trisss." Whispers a voice behind us.

"Huh. We'll go look back there then." Tobias says and helps me.

I giggle as he throws me over his shoulder, "Tobby! Put me down!"

"Where are you guys going?" Will asks. They just noticed us even though we have been gone for awhile.

"Someone called Tris's name and we're going to find out who."

"Okay well we will follow." Chris says.

We all see a moving figure lerk in The shadows. It's tall and muscular. Oh gosh. Please don't be Eric or Peter.

"Tris." It whispers while moving to a vacant room, "I only want you to come here. I need to talk with you."

I nod even though it probably can't hear me. I'm worried about who it is but I don't want it to hurt Tobias. Besides, I can probably talk whoever it is.

"I'll be back." I say to Tobias and my friends.

I kiss his lips quickly and then run off into the dark room. Tobias mutters something but I can no longer hear because someone shuts the door behind me. Then locks it. I turn on the lights. I turn around and stare at the mysterious person......

A/N: Cliffhanger

Dunn Dunn Dunn

Comment because I love your comments😘


100 votes. Thank you so much

Also.... Comment ideas and point of views. So far I'll do either Tris or Tobias until someone requests for someone else.

Thank you for reading!!!


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