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Two Weeks Later.

Chris won't talk to me, the media is all up in my business and I just got a call from our wedding planner that Chris wants to put our wedding on hold.

All this over something that he wanted me to get into in the first place. I guess it's only okay when he's involved.

I don't what it is about Nia but the sex is amazing. It's something so different. Yes I've had sex with a woman before but she's more experienced. She knows where to touch, where to kiss, exactly how she's supposed to move her tongue.


But I have to cut ties with her because no matter what Chris comes first.

Yes I feel bad but also, karmas a bitch.

He finally got a taste of his own medicine and Chris can't handle jealousy, he over reacts and his temper goes through the roof.

Anyway I was getting my kids ready so that we could go visit Chyna and Lauren. I need somebody to talk to about what's going on. I know they're probably going to go crazy.

Once they were all ready we headed outside to my truck.

I was putting Tristan's car seat in.

"Mommy there's daddy." Reign said.

I looked up and he was parking his car. I know he sees were about to leave.

He got out and walked over to me but didn't say anything.

I just looked at him.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Now isn't a good time. I was just leaving."

"Well whatever you about to do cancel it. We need to talk."

He moved me out the way and unhooked Tristan and carried him into the house.

I took a deep breath.

"So we're not going to see King anymore?" Reign asked.

"Not right now but we will later."

I got her and Aden out and we went into the house.

"Aden and Reign go watch a movie while mommy and daddy talk." Chris said.

They ran to the family room.

"Where's Tristan?" I asked.

"I put him upstairs since he was sleep."

I went and sat down

"I know you was probably about to go run your mouth to Chyna and Lauren."

"I wasn't."

"Don't lie to me."

"If you wanna talk to me you gotta lose yo fucking attitude."

He just closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

"I wasn't trying to hurt you Chris."

"Why her? This is just something else that she can hold over my head now."

"It shouldn't have been with anybody. Once again I'm sorry."

"Did you think I was going to be okay with all of this?"

"No I didn't."

"Why Sabrina? All I really need to know is why?"

"Both times it was liquor involved. I don't have feelings for Nia I just enjoyed the sex."

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