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It's sooooooo beautiful here and peaceful! I haven't even thought about work, my clothing line, the fact that I gave my family my 5 million dollar home.

Or the fact that l snuck and put a bid on that house my parents looked at.

I haven't told Chris because I want to avoid an argument but I eventually have to say something. I know he really wants us to stay together but I don't know. Chris house has to much going on every day of the week. There is barely a day that's calm and quiet.

And it's always full of niggas and their random bitches.

"Baby you ready? I'm hungry as hell." Chris said.

"Yeah just give me a sec I'm coming."

I was digging through my clothes looking for my birth control! I know I packed it.

Or maybe I didn't because Chris was rushing me.

"Sabrina, let's go." He said while walking through the door. "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for something." I said.

"What are you looking for?"

"Nothing, forget it lets just go." I refuse to tell him that I havent took my pill, he won't let me out this house.

I gotta figure out a way to get him to not have sex with me.

"Oh my gosh my stomach is cramping." I said.

"What?! Aw hell naw!"

"I think my period is about to start."

"You was just going through that shit last week baby, I know you don't have them that close together."

"Oh yeah."


"Can we go eat now Sabrina?"

"Yeah let's go."

We left out and headed to some Caribbean restaurant.

"So baby you enjoying our getaway?" He asked

"Yes I am, I really needed this."

"We both did man, I'm almost done with my cd but that means promotion and more time away from my Jug." He leaned over and started kissing my cheek.

"I knoooowwww I'm going to be so lonely."

"As long as you FaceTime me that pussy I'll be good."

"That's all you care about." I pushed him

"I don't baby."

"You do ugly."

"So what was you looking for back at the house."

"Nothing Chris, nosey ass."

"I'm just saying it had to be pretty important you messed up the room looking for it."

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