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Short, kinda boring but enjoy lol....



Virginia, 2004.

Chris and I sat in the back seat of my dads car. He had just taken us out to eat and go the movies. We were on our way home but he had to make a quick stop before we got there.

We pulled up to these project homes and parked.

"Aye, I'll be right back. Make sure y'all lock these doors when I get out." My dad said.

"Okay." We replied in unison.

He climbed out and we did what we were told.

"Man what do yo pops do? I've been around you for 3 years and I don't know what he do." Chris questioned.

"You don't need to know what my daddy does, especially if you wanna stay safe." I said while rolling my eyes.

"What you mean? If I wanna stay safe? He like a drug lord or something."

He's so nosey.

"Don't worry about it Christopher."

"We supposed to be best friends. You know everything about me. I know what to mom do, so tell me what he do."

I huffed and puffed.

"Okay okay, actually you can see him doing his job right now." I pointed in front of me.

Chris started laughing. "Yooooo, yo pops really sell drugs! Dave a G man!"

"He's just doing it to get through school. Well that's what he tells my mom."

"I can't believe this shit!"

"Stop cussing."

"Shut up with yo scary ass." I pushed him and he laughed. "He must be good at this, he stay in new cars, y'all house sweet as hell, you spoiled."

I smiled. "I'm not spoiled little boy."

"I feel sorry for whoever you end up with."

"It won't be you so don't feel sorry."

"You want it to be me." He said while smiling.

"Whatever." I waved him off.

He laughed and turned back to looking out the window.

"Aye what's going on over there. Yo dad look pissed." Chris said.

"What?" I sat up.

I watched my dad. I wanted to hear what he was saying so I cracked the window. I could hear him yelling but I couldn't make out what he said.

"Man he pissed." Chris said.

"I heard him say something about money." I responded while trying to listen.

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