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Two Months Later.

I sat on my couch looking at the second eviction notice from my landlord. Lately it feels like everything is going wrong. First I lose Chris, then Zach, then my job, I'm on probation at school and now I'm gonna lose my apartment! Why is this happening to me?!

I gotta fix this, I gotta make something happen.

Zach left me because he claimed someone threatened him because of what I did to Sabrina. I don't believe that though because nobody has threatened me.

Sabrina is the last person to put a hit on somebody. She has too much to lose!

And she could get Chris in trouble too. I know she wouldn't want that.

It's been a while she's probably over it.

Anyway I gotta get this rent money. I can't lose my place and I can't move back in with my parents.

I went to grab my phone to call Zach when somebody knocked on the door.

"One sec!" I yelled as I went and grabbed my phone.

The knocked again but harder.

"I'm coming!!!" I ran over to the door and opened it.

As soon as it was fully opened something hit me and I fell to the floor.

I heard footsteps and my door close. I blinked a few times then fully opened my eyes.

"Hey bitch, you miss me?" Sabrina hovered over me.

She grabbed my hair and dragged me across the floor. One of the guys she was with picked me up and slammed me on the couch and tied up my hands.

"You thought I forgot about you didn't you?" She asked

"I'm sorry for everything, please don't kill me." I cried

She laughed.

"You think Ima have any remorse for you? Bitch you fractured my skull!"

"Whatever you do, you won't get away with."

"Bitch you might wanna Google my fathers name."

"Look Sabrina, this was all Zach's idea! He wanted me to keep you away from Chris."

"Well you did a terrible job." She lifted her hand showing a ring.

"Sabrina you have kids to look after, you don't want to do this, it's not worth it."

She punched me in my mouth, I felt my mouth fill up with blood.


I spit the blood out and it landed on her. She laughed and shook her head.

"You really wanna die huh?" She motioned for the gun in the dude sitting in my chair hand.

"Please nooooo, I'm sorry." I cried so hard.

"Bitch yo tears don't mean shit to me. You hit me in the head with a pole for no reason! I have days where I can barely remember my kids names because of you! So you can save those fucking tears for somebody who give a fuck!"

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