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"Ayyyye! My best friend fucking graduated!" I screamed while surprising her.

She turned around and jumped on me.

"OMG Chris what are you doing here?"

"You know I couldn't miss this!"

"I'm so happy right now, I missed you" she said while climbing off of me.

She unzipped her graduation gown and took it off. I saw her newly developed body

"Damn Sabrina what you been eating"

"This is what a grown woman looks like boo"  she said while rubbing her body

I laughed.

"Oh okay" I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me. "So what you got up for the night?" I asked.

"I'm supposed to be going to dinner with my family but I really don't want to. I need to go somewhere and have fun"

"Come with me then. We'll celebrate the right way"

She looked at me and smiled.

"What you got in mind?"

"I'll show you." I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the truck.

We got in

"So how has my favorite superstar been?" She asked.

"I've been okay, super busy though...what about my favorite future nurse?"

"I'm okay. So happy to be done with school and ready to head to LA for school"

"I can't wait for you to get out there"

"Me too, I'm nervous though" she said

"I'll be there so you good"

"How's RihRih?"

"She cool"

"That's good"

I watched her roll her eyes

"What was that?" I asked while laughing.

"Nothing...I'm so happy you came."

"Me too! It's been the longest two years of my life."

"Tell me about it. I was so tired of everybody asking me about you in school. Girls telling me to give you their number it was crazy

"Lol, you still got those numbers?"

She pushed me

"Don't play!" She said

"I'm kidding"

"So where are we going?"

"To a club"

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