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5 Months Later.

Aden Christopher Brown, my sweet angel. I fell in love as soon as they laid him on my chest. His pink body, the little bit of jet black hair but only at the middle part of his head making him look more and more like Chris. Those pointy ears stuck right out.

He was amazing.

As soon as Chris could hold him, he never let him go. I think that was my favorite moment. I have so many videos of him just talking to Aden.

We decided to name him Aden because the name Ade means Royalty. I didn't really like that so I just added the N. It was between Aden and Ace.

As soon as I could I got my tubes burnt! No more babies. Everybody asks me what if the guy I'm with wants kids. Well that's not happening with me so.....

This friendship thing with Chris has been going very well. It kind of feels like the old days only difference is we have kids together.

I feel like I'm finally at peace. I love it.

Anyway Zach is heeeeere! Yes Zach Lavine.

I really liked him but Chris ruined that. He was so understanding when things went the way they did. Most dudes probably wouldn't want nothing to do with me.

I got back in touch with Zach about 3 months after breaking up with Chris and it was just like before, like we never stopped speaking. It felt amazing.

I can't wait to see him.

And plus I was going to be kid free, my six weeks are up. It's time to find out what Mr. Lavine is working with.

While the kids slept I jumped in the shower. I had to make it quick though, they always tend to wake up when I'm in the shower.

After enjoying my 20 minutes alone I got out and slipped on some clothes then went to get my babies ready.

When I walked in Aden's room Reign was sitting on the floor watching tv.

"Oh my gosh Reign, what are you doing in here?"

"I wanted to watch tv with my brother."

"Aww so sweet...go to your room you gotta get dressed."

"Okay." She ran out.

I picked up my little baby.

"Mommas baby boy. You are so adorable." I kissed his little cheek.

I picked out his clothes then walked into Reigns room.

"Mommy I'm dressed!!" She ran out of her closet with a green dress on and two mix match shoes.

"No Ray you will not be wearing that."

"But I want to mommy."

"It doesn't even match."

"But it's pretty."

"Well you can wear it until I get done putting Adens clothes on."


While I got him dressed the doorbell rang.

"Omg who is that?!" I picked the baby back up. "Come on Reign."

We went downstairs. I looked through the window then opened the door.

"Daddy!" Reign ran and jumped in his arms.

"Your early." I said.

"I was out so I decided to come by." He took Aden out my arms.

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