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"A PRENUP! Bitch you lying!" Chyna yelled through the phone.

"I know....but honestly I'm not surprised."

"What did you say?"

"I told him that I'll sign it but if we do get a divorce I'm taking Full custody of Reign and he'll never see her."

"Okay that was a little harsh....it's only some paper."

"Chyna I hate when Chris spends a dime on me. He thinks I'll take the money away from him out of spite! That is so ignorant."

"Why are you guys so focused on divorce you're not even married yet?!"

"He brought it up."

"I think you guys should sit down and talk and threatening to take Reign away from him isn't helping.

"He so mad at me because of that."

"I would be too!"

"Maybe I'll talk to him today and apologize about what I said."

"I think you should."

"Uuuggghhh! Chy you know I hate being the bigger person."

She laughed. "I know but you shouldn't have said what you said."

"Whatever....I guess I'll get dressed and apologize."

"Okay....call me and let me know how everything goes."

"I will."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and ran to the closet to find me something to wear then I jumped in the shower.

I still don't feel like I should apologize about what I said but everybody else does so maybe I was wrong.

After getting dressed, I threw my hair up and ran out the house.

I've been in bed all day because Reign was with Chris's mom. I really appreciate all the free time I get.

But I miss my baby. I always try to pick her up early and mama Joyce cusses me out lol. I barely let my RayRay out of my sight.

I really want a son after we get married. I take my birth control religiously because I don't want to be pregnant anytime soon.


I pulled up to Chris's house and it was barely anywhere to park! I found a parking spot and got out. A few of his friends were standing outside and I heard one of them say "Ohhhh shit, his fiancé here."

I just looked at him and walked in. It was full of smoke, loud music, half dressed and drunk bitches, ain't no telling what else was in here.

One girl ran into me and I pushed her dumb ass on the floor.

I went searching for my wonderful fiancé while I tried to calm myself down.

I was walking to the back when somebody grabbed my arm.

I quickly turned around. It was Red.

"What you doing here?" He yelled over the loud music.

"What else would I be doing here? Where's Chris?"

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