Preference 163 - bringing your first baby home

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bringing your first baby home


“Liam, can yo-” Your words cut off as you entered your master suite, seeing your husband cooing over your new daughter, Mia. “Daddy and Mummy love you very much, little Mia,” he said quietly. “You’re gonna grow up to be a beautiful girl, just like your Mummy, and Daddy won’t let anything or anybody hurt you.” You came up behind him, wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your chin on his back. “She’s gonna be a loved little girl,” you smiled. Liam turned towards you, laying a kiss on your forehead. “She has the best parents in the world, doesn’t she?” His eyes formed into the happy crescents they always did, and you smiled. “That she does.”


“When can we start styling his hair?” You glanced up from your son and stared at your husband. “Zayn, he’s five days old. We aren’t styling his hair.” You ran your fingers along his jet black wisps, watching him wiggle in your arms. “His name might be Zayn, too, but that doesn’t mean we’re styling a newborn’s hair.” He grumbled from next to you, telling you that he didn’t see the problem. “Zayn, I’m not letting you style my grandson’s hair,” his mother agreed, entering the room with a load of laundry she had done while you and Zayn were in the hospital waiting to be discharged. “I’ll fix your hair when Mummy isn’t home,” he whispered to his son. 


“He’s been sleeping for like two hours!” your husband whined. “He’s a baby,” you laughed, “that’s what he’s going to do most of the time.” You knew Louis just wanted to fully embrace his fatherly side and care for little Edward. “As soon as he’s old enough, he’s getting a pair of suspenders,” he told you. “Oh I forgot to tell you, Lou. The boys dropped off an outfit for him earlier.” No words could describe the smile that lit up his face when he saw the striped shirt and suspenders. Edward and his father matched for the rest of the week. 


“Is she finally asleep?” Niall whispered. You nodded, shifting Charlotte to your other arm before laying her down on your bed. “That means that when the boys come over, they can’t be too loud,” you warned him, resting your weight onto your right foot. Just as you finished speaking, Louis’s screams could be heard throughout the house and Niall’s eyes widened as he rushed to his bandmates, telling them Charlotte was asleep. They filed into the bedroom quietly, fawning over your daughter in hushed tones as Niall stood by you, arm around your waist, reminding you just how much he loves you. 


“Be careful!” Harry exclaimed, reaching out and grabbing hold of your waist. “For God’s sake, Harry, I’m fine! You’re the one carrying her.” You watched him be extremely cautious as he set the carrier down on the table, unhooking Brooke and lifting her out, holding her to his chest. “You really like being a dad, don’t you?” you smiled softly, watching as he ran a finger along her cheek, nodding. “Just as much as you love being a mum.” Brooke let out a quiet sneeze, catching Harry’s eye. He stared down at her in wonder at how he could create such a beautiful human being.

 AN: So I've found a heap more preferences which I will post on here up until 200. As soon as this reaches 200 my own preferences will be posted in a new book and this one will be completed. 





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