Preference 24- You go into Labor

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You Go Into Labor~


Even though you were 8 months pregnant, you insisted on being the supportive wife and came along with Liam to a CD signing. Liam begged you to stay at home and rest, but you refused. Sighing, he let you come along.

About two hours into the signing, you became fidgety. You couldn't sit still, and every way you moved made you uncomfortable. Finally you got up to get a drink.

On your way back to Liam, your water broke. Shit.

"Liam!" You made it to the table and whispered what had happen. You didn't need an audience. Not now. Liam told Paul he had to leave and without waiting for a response, he took you to the car. Now you were in severe pain.

"It hurts, Liam..." He looked like he was going to cry, seeing you in pain.

"I know it does. Just breathe. We'll be at the hospital soon." He held your hand the whole way there, and didn't cringe once. Not even when you knew you squeezed his hand hard enough to turn it purple.

Once at the hospital, you got a private room, and made it through an agonizing 5 hours of more contractions. Thank goodness you weren't like the women who were in labor for days. There was no way you could've made it that long.

When the doctor came in and told you it was time, you put on your brave face, and grabbed Liam's hand once more. About a half hour later, you finally heard a cry.

"A healthy baby girl." The doctor said as they were cleaning her up. As soon as you saw your baby girl look up at you with Liam's big brown eyes, you and your husband both automatically knew her name.

"Sophia Madeline Payne" you both said at the same time. After a few minutes of alone time, Liam let the boys inside and you watched as they passed her carefully around the room. She was already taking after Liam... making everyone smile.


You were going on a date with Niall. It was your 3 year wedding anniversary, and you were also 9 months pregnant.. Along with being pregnant, your appetite changed. You absolutely couldn't stand Nandos anymore. Anytime you would just smell it, you'd throw up.

This made Niall very unhappy, because it was a tradition to go there every year on your anniversary, but he made you happy this year, and took you to a nice little pizza place. Pizza has been your best friend the last 9 months.... About halfway through your dinner, you felt a sharp pain on your stomach.

It quickly went away, so you just ignored it until it happened again.

"Hey, Nialler? I keep getting these... OW!" You were cut off by one of the worst pains you had ever felt. And on top of the pain, your water broke.

"Princess, you okay?" You shook your head, clenching the table.

"My water... broke. It's time." He left some money on the table, and quickly led you to the car. Your husband really was the best if he could deal with your screams every few minutes, and not manage to wreck the car.

Once in the hospital, you were able to get some pain relief, but not enough to calm you down.

It was 2 in the morning when the doctor told you that you were ready to push. Time to bring this baby that you had been waiting patiently for into the world. A few minutes later, you heard the softest of cries as the doctor handed you your baby boy. He looked just like his dad. Same color hair as before he bleached it and those astonishing blue eyes.

"Aiden Matthew Horan. Welcome to the world, little man." Niall said

as he kissed your forehead.

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