maze of horrors/please

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"You sick son of a-

"Ah ah ah." He shakes his head like a parent does to a naughty child,my temper flares higher at this gesture.

"That's not a nice name to call our mother now is it?"

I growl low in my throat but he only smiles like I've just complimented him.

"Why don't you ask someone to dance little brother? Maybe,if you don't act like such an animal, someone will say yes."

He says little brother so sweetly I could have slipped into a coma,those words being ones I used as a safe haven when I was younger but now they just burn my skin so bad I'm dizzy with rage.

"Where is he?" I growl but he doesn't seem threatened. He only smiles like he expected this and my eyes are swing red right now.

"I haven't the slightest cause who you're talking about Jack."

My name sounds gross in his mouth and I wish I could pull it out along with his teeth,white little rocks lying on the floor along the bloody mess I'll leave after I bash his head in.

"Don't play with me. You know who the fuck I'm talking about and if you don't tell me where he is I swear I'll-

"You look fatter,what have you been eating?"

I wanna scream at the way he's acting,stupid small questions slipping off his tongue while the love of my life is waiting to be saved. How dare he!

"Shut up and tell me where he is!" I roar so loud the girls on the side that have been watching so quietly jump back and one of them starts whining like a puppy.

At that sound he looks annoyed,gesturing a finger to lure me closer the same way my angel did once upon a time. Same movement but with much different results.

"Let's talk in private,shall we?" His voice indicated I won't take no for an answer,you better shut the hell up and follow me you brat or I'll rip you apart right here for everyone to see.

I almost laugh out loud at the way he's acting As if I'm scared of him. Maybe once,but now? No way in hell.

He stands up and takes a left to a door I don't remember seeing when I walked in,his hand comes out and slaps one of the girls that was serving him on the ass which makes her squeal.

I roll my eyes,feeling disgusted at how he hasn't changed one bit.

Behind me I can hear Madison follow me. I'm tempted to tell her to leave cause I don't need her anymore.

no no no sparkly girl with devil horns,the tall boy doesn't need you anymore actually he never needed you so you can leave now while he saves the love of his life

I'm tempted to tell her this but I let her tag behind,if trouble starts I can always steal her car and leave her here. They wouldn't hurt her and besides,it's not like I care what happens to her anyway.

I follow him through the door which leads to a black room,just black. No light or candles,black like his brain and heart and soul it fits him so so well. He's right at home and I'm tempted to tell him that but my main concern is my angel so I keep my mouth shut.

Once we're inside the door clicks shut and he turns and smirks at me,so readable I don't need to read minds to understand that look.

go ahead you beast doesn't this remind you of home? doesn't it remind you of the cages you've been put in? doesn't it remind you of the animal you are? doesn't it doesn't doesn't it

He's probably waiting for me to react but,once again, I don't. I only care about my angel,my angel and my angel only.

Nothing else matters.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now