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I told myself to stay away from him,that I needed to leave him alone.

Told myself I'd hurt him cause I'm poisonous.

The thought made me sick,knowing If I hurt him I could never forgive myself.

For those reasons I told myself to stay away,leave him alone.

Don't bother him.

But I couldn't resist.

He was so...tempting.

Girls threw themselves at me,purring sweet words in sour voices.

A couple guys even tried touching me,pressing their knees to my groin in a different way then the girls did.

They smirked,thinking they got my attention.

The idea that we're both guys and they could please me in ways girls couldn't crawling through their mind as they tried kissing me.

I shoved it off,all of the desperate souls clawing at me I shoved off.

I didn't want their attention,their touches.

I didn't want anything from them.

The attention I wanted was from someone else,someone beyond addicting.

I craved his attention,his touch.

I craved him like something sweet you couldn't get enough of.

I craved him so bad it ached.

I told myself to stay away,fought against myself that it was a terrible idea to get even a little close.

I tried.

But there he walked,small smirk on his lips.His eyes zoned on mine whenever he was within range.

I couldn't help myself.

He was just so...tempting.


And I hadn't even tasted him yet.

But god,did I want to.

I hid a smile as I walked him home,the sweet smell of him filling my senses.

He was so close I could touch him,I ached to touch him.

Ached to dance my fingers over every inch of skin I could,marking his body with my fingerprints so everyone knew who he belonged to.

I ached to hold him,to feel his small soft body in my arms.

I wanted it so bad I could practically taste it,sweet beyond words.

But..I couldn't.

I couldn't.

He smiled slightly at me and I felt high,my head swimming as the smile danced in my mind like mini dancers.

"Your fan club seems...interesting." He teased in that delicious voice of his.

I wanted to gag at the thought of all the souls fawning at me,their touches making my skin hurt.

I shrugged slowly.

"I don't care."

It's the honest truth,the thoughts of their voices making my head scream.

I didn't wanna hear their voices,they all made me sick.

The only voice I wanted,needed to hear,belonged to the boy beside me.

He glances up,a cute grin on his face.

"You should.I bet it's nice to have a fan club of that size." He cocks his head slightly.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now