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"-you have to keep it down."

I nod to the long blonde haired receptionist that smells like vodka and bubblegum,her frizzy ponytail bobbing as she rolls her eyes and nods her head as if she means business.

By the roll of said eyes and her tired sigh she probably thinks I'm ignoring her,on the contrary I heard everything she said.

Truth is,I just don't care what she said cause I already know what she said.

It's the same thing I've heard all morning before I left to get my little angel some breakfast.

Walking down to the lobby seemed to take forever as every floor had people who wanted to talk to me,lips moving with millions of syllables all piling up into rude complaints.

"You two are just too noisy."

"Can you please keep it down?! I have children you know!"

"How's anyone supposed to sleep with all that loud moaning?! I could hear it the way from down here!"

"Just wait till the management hears about this."

All morning I've heard this,strangers even outside the hotel stopping me on my way to the car to complain about the sounds they could hear from out here and accusing me of playing a part in them.

All the complains got the same reaction,externally I would remain silent and occasionally shrug or nod to at least act as if I actually cared what they were bitching about while internally I would smirk happily and smile as the images replayed in my head.

See while they were all complaining that my angels moans and squeals kept them from sleeping,I was remembering the beautiful sounds.

To them it was noise and sounds they didn't care to hear,especially with little ears that would ask what those sounds meant and why someone was making them so late and so loud.

Stupid people they were,so so stupid they were not even realizing how they were being blessed with such beautiful sounds.

To them it was noise but to me it was heaven,completely blissful heaven.

After what felt like forever I finally snapped,finally snapped and gave in to something I'd been wanting since I laid eyes on the beautiful boy with soft blonde hair.

I finally gave in and threw my sanity out the window and did the things I'd been wanting to do to his beautiful shape,did the things I wanted to show him how perfect and beautiful he really was.

I kept replaying it all in my head,even when driving to get him breakfast the whole night spun in my mind like a silky spiderweb with magical dreams.

I kept thinking about how his body moved with everything I did,his soft back arching and pale little fingers gripping white sheets that were still knotted when I left this morning.

Kept thinking of the way his eyes rolled all night long,shiny perfect teeth that bit his lip so hard they're bruised purple and red from where I saw them this morning.

I thought about how his long legs wrapped around me tightly,so tight he now has bruises that run up and down his skin.

Thought about how many bites I shouldn't have spread but he seemed to love,so many he's like a big bruise now.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now