flowercrowns,cat ears and internal thoughts

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"Where are we going?"

My little angel whines in a cute little voice that makes me smile,cute little pouty face that turns my stomach around.

"It's a surprise angel."

I smile down at him,his little flawless face turning to me to look up.

His beautiful blue eyes covered with a black bandana I had,he frowned when I put it over his eyes and made a puppy whine.

"But then I can't see you."

Those eyes widened and my heart fluttered,it's a surprise but if you keep looking at me with wide eyes I'll give in to you.

"It won't be on long my angel.I promise."

He smiled bright at the word my,eyes shining as he leaned closer and kissed my nose.

10 minutes later and here we are,walking in the mall near our hotel with his big beautiful blue eyes still covered up and he's getting impatient.

"Are we there yet??"

He whines,pressing closer to me as I lead him blind to the surprise I know he'll like.

I laugh softly,my imagination maybe but I swear he blushed then again my eyes play tricks on me often.

I bend to kiss his head,cute happy little sound slipping when my lips meet his hair.

"Almost angel."

He whines again but presses closer,small body wrapping itself around me while we walk has my head spinning.

As we walk people stare,nothing new for people always stare even If it's not worth looking at they stare.

quick! everyone look at the tall devil who's emerged from his cold room,look at him walking with the beautiful boy who's eyes can make angels cry

quick someone stop them! this isn't right! they can't be together can't can't can't

Eyes all stare and I know I'm paranoid but it bothers me,walking in stores where colorful orbs all watch you like you're the main show.

why why why are they staring? go about your life cause I only care for mine and none of you are in it

Boys and girls throw stares at my blinded little angel,some ugly looks and some filled with something else.

I'm tempted to throw them through the giant glass door on our right,bodies crashing glass smashing broken bones and eyes that no longer will see.


So do it.Who's stopping you?

My arms tighten around the small boy beside me,happy sound as he snuggles tighter as he doesn't know why I get so possessive and protective.

doesn't see what I see,doesn't see how eyes watch him like they do or how looks are passed between some

doesn't see it doesn't see it doesn't see it

Store after store after store,this place is bigger than I remember.

Well the way you remember it is...MUCH different...or have you forgotten?

I groan to myself,inner voice loving to annoy me and bring up odd old memories to ruin the happy times with my blue eyed baby boy.

Happy times? Really?

Step step step finally....

I smile to myself and stop walking,his head perks up and stares up to me.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now