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stretch stretch stretch


No no no! What are you doing?! Stop!

My inner voice doesn't have to tell me twice,my souls in such pain and my stomach feels sick when lips that don't belong to my bad boy touch mine.

My lips moved for a second against his so to the outside world it probably looked like I kissed back,trust me when I say I didn't cause I couldn't stand the way his lips felt against mine.

no no no wrong! please please stop cause it feels wrong and weird and your lips just don't feel right stop!

I pulled back so fast and before any words could escape me I heard a loud growl,angry and upset sounding that rang through the crowd despite the loud music blaring off the walls.

My skin erupted in goosebumps,never hearing such an angry growl from him before and I would have been scared of such a sound if I didn't know who made it.

"Are you okay?"

A soft voice asks me with worried words but I don't listen,blue eyes staring down at me make me feel terrible as they don't change colors or have piercings that glow under the sun.

I shake my head furiously,backing away from worried blue eyes.

Am I alright?

no no no no no

no I'm not kissed me...and you're not him...and now I feel sick and hurt and my bad boys surely mad cause he probably thinks I kissed back so no...I'm not alright

Words I don't get a chance to say,blue eyes turned down to me flash with worry when a tall shadow comes up behind him.

Rough soft hands I adore grab him and turn him around,face to face I can picture the nervous look in blue eyes as my bad boy stares down at him with his clenched jaw and eyes that surely could burn through him.

The crowd seems unfazed by this situation,dancing and drinking still going strong while I stand there falling apart inside from how sick I feel.

In such quick movement I barely see it,it all happened so fast if you blinked you'd miss it.

Blue eyes says something,worried voice with shaky words as he raises his hands in a surrender way.

My bad boy growls once more,jaw clenching so much I hear his teeth clack and I worry.

My bad boys shiny teeth hug his lip in a way that seems odd,teeth seeming sharper like that night in the dark before our travels started.

My bad boys fist raises,a loud sound filling my ears as he punches blue eyes so hard I flinch.

And suddenly my stomach turns upside down like I'm gonna vomit up pretty colors on the dance floor,pretty colors showing how awful I feel that someone beside my bad boy has kissed me.

I don't even remember pushing past people,don't even remember moving my way through the crowd of tired drunks and busy bodies to the brightly lit exit.

I don't remember what words people said,what mean things they spoke when they glared at me for pushing past them and interrupting their dancing and laughing.

I barely remember running outside,cold silver slices of clouds falling on me as I ran back to the hotel room where my bad boy and I were staying.

The rain felt nice and if I were in a better mood I would have danced in it,twirling and spinning to get soaked so my bad boy would growl and stare down at me with those rainbow eyes I adored.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now