a broken mug and tense muscles

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Diner with a red roof and blue doors,cool bright black leather seats as we share a booth beside the window in the back.

My bacons too greasy,eggs too runny and my juice is much too tangy for my taste.

I glance up at my dark bad boy,rubbing his neck while he swirls a spoon in his black as night coffee.

"You're tired."

My voice slices through heavy silence,sharp like a knife to cut a birthday cake with bright powdery pink frosting.

We aren't mad,just not talking right now.It's a comfortable silence.

He glances up and shrugs,heavy shoulders I suddenly wanna lick.

"I'm fine."

Stubborn liar.

He lifts the heavy white mug to his soft lips,hot bitter beverage going down his throat while I spin my bacon around in my eggs.


I jump up in my seat a little,questions darting through my brain so fast I can't even catch them all though I've been trying.

But there's one question I'm so desperate to know,beyond desperate I'll even beg if I have to to find out.

He tenses up,jaw clenched like he can read through my dizzy mind and has already seen what I'm gonna ask.

"He's no one."

His voice is rough and angry,pick some other topic it begs me.

But I can't.

I have to know.

"He must be someone important.You seemed to know him."

He swirls his pointer finger in the muddy black liquid,gaze averted down to ignore my curious eyed stare.

It's silent as he stares down into the cup,searching for answers to this question in the murky depths.

I lean across the table slightly,trying to catch his gaze.

"Please tell me."

His head flicks up a second to stare my way,going back down once he sees whatever he sees floating in my eyes.

"Just someone I know."

I lean closer on the table,itching for him to open those lips and spill stories and secrets all over our breakfast.


I ask timidly,a sudden thought flying to mind that oddly makes me wanna cry a billion tears.

"I know what you're thinking and no,We weren't together."

He stares up at me like daring me to tell him he's wrong and that wasn't what I was thinking.

Honestly though,it was.

Someone close? First thing that came to mind was an ex,someone besides me who has touched his skin with their fingerprints.

I feel sick at that thought,pushing it back when he confirmed I was wrong.

I gulp and look down at my runny food which is worse than all the junk food I've eaten lately,gaze flickering back up after a couple seconds.

"So who was he?"

I ask softly.

He swirls his finger around the tip of the cup,swirling on a one road racetrack who's destination is his mouth.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now