just for tonight

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This is all your fault my brain says.

My angels curled up in the backseat,hands curled in a ball under his head as he dreams of whatever he wishes.

He hates you for saying that.

I didn't mean it though.

Tell him that moron.

My angels barely spoken to me,small words dribbled across those soft little lips.

When I speak to him he usually only nods and shrugs,small gestures that are adorable but not what I want to hear.

His voice has been mute in my ears for a day,silence to deafen me from the sweetest voice on earth.

He hates me,I know he does.

I didn't mean what I said,honestly I didn't.

I've been wanting to kiss those delicious lips since I fist laid eyes on his small shape,sweet candies that drove me mad with want.

It's not that I didn't want to kiss him,losing control is something I can't do and with him I just know I will.

Do you know how hard that is?

Seeing something you want more than anything in the world,need more than air to function and you can't lose control with them?

Do you know how hard it is when he walks a certain way or smiles that cute little smile that has me basically swooning at his every beck and call?

Do you know how difficult it is that I can't just do all the things I wanna do,love him fully the way I want to?

If I did there would be no question to how I feel,he'd know as if I had written it in the clouds for the universe to see.

But I can't do that,I can't.

Do you know how frustrating it is?

Like now for instance.

I'm driving,eyes glued on the road and then flickering constantly to stare at the small blonde boy in the backseat.

Do you know how badly I wanna pull over and hold his small body to me?

Twisting my fingers up in that soft silky hair as I rub my hands down his back to relax him,relaxed sighs coming from those sweet lips as he snuggles up against me.

I want that so bad it's insane,my mind slowly slipping into sanity on how bad I want it.

But it's just not that simple.

I'm just too dangerous,too impure and sinful.

Too poisonous.

Getting so close to a sweet thing like him would result in bad things,painful things.

I can't do that to him,he doesn't deserve it.

He deserves something a lot better than this.

Honestly,What have I given him?

A vacation from his parents as we drive through towns,stopping at random hotels where he watches crappy tv and eats junky food that's bad for him?

(I'd actually love a life like this)

That's shit.

I haven't given him anything.

All this is a break from his life till he realizes that he deserves better than me,goes running back to his home and stays to find someone who's worthy of him.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now