where do broken hearts go?

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My loud scream echoes through the room I'm in,jolting awake I sit up so fast I'm instantly dizzy while my heart beats insanely fast.

Chest heaving I feel like I have a fever,sweaty head and hair from the painful things that flashed through my mind.

A bad bad dream so painful like shocking shots to my heart,bad images of my bad boy being hurt and then my bad boy leaving me alone...forever.

Calm down calm down I tell myself,only a dream to frighten me it's not real and doesn't exist outside my head.

bad dreams bad dreams bad dreams,just dreams that can't touch you if you picture sunny beaches and happy smiles

only a dream only a dream only a dream

It takes me a second to realize how empty I feel,no strong warm arms around me to protect me and no fingers twisting in my hair.

No bad boy there comforting me,no bad boy running to my side to slay the evil frightening images that prance around in my brain.

No bad boy here...at all.


Quietly I call out,heart hammering as I glance around the sun colored room which is empty of the tall dark boy who's rough soft hands hold my beating red heart.

I wait for a sound,some form of noise to say he's here but the shower remains quiet so I know he's not in there with yummy crystals running down his chest.

Silence...is all I hear.

A strong panicky feeling hits me and hits me extremely hard,quickly scrambling up I rush over to the bathroom to throw the door open thinking maybe he's just getting dressed.

The door hits the wall with a loud thud from such quick force,empty bathroom with no dirty towels or clothes or any form that he's been in there.

no...no no no no no no no

A whimper escapes me before I can help it,frightened liquid wanting to leave my eyes as I spin around looking around the room in panic.

He must have left.Look for a note.

My mind spins with my scary dream,frightening images I don't want to ever ever ever come true.

no pain for my bad boy and no one to ever hurt him again,him leaving me one dream I don't want to come true


I hurry around the room like a scared lost little puppy,eyes searching for a note of some form to say where his tall dark shape has wandered off to without me beside him.

no no no no no

W-why isn't there a note??

W-why would he leave without writing me a note??

Maybe he didn't want you following him.

No...no no h-he wouldn't have left me.He...he promised me.

Then...where is he?

The panicky feelings getting worse,my eyes and body moving around the room in a desperate search for some form of where he went and why he went without me.

no no no no no no please tell me I'm dreaming

He...wouldn't have left me...right?

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