you can't miss it

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Go straight on Silent St.

Drive for 15 minutes,it'll be on your right.

You can't miss it.

Crack addicted whores on the side of the road with smiles that seem sweet as candy,sour enough you'll choke when you get close enough.

Drunks stumbling around with big glass bottles of different colored liquor,liquid fire to burn your throats but you'll forget every worry you have.

Homeless children all dirty and cruel,run around with sticky fingers and bad intentions as they'll rob you blind if you're fooled by their innocent little faces.

A silver car that shines like the moon pulls up to the giant mansion,like a haunted house in horror movies most people are afraid of the house.

But not all,some find it hypnotizing just like some people find horror movies exciting and fun to watch while others cry and cower in fear.

The house screams fear,dark and dangerous...just like the people and things that lie inside.

A tall boy exits the car,tall and annoyed he seems to stand out on this street like he's the king of the world with his flashy smile he's keeping hidden.

The car door shuts and his tall shape moves forward,like the ice cream man coming down the street he's a siren call to the junkies and whores that dwell on the cement.

As if he played the obnoxious tune that promise children sweets,the people around all come running.

An annoyance spreads on his face,his tall shape moving through the swarm as quick as he can.

"Spare some change."

"Hey baby,you wanna play?"

"Hey man nice car.Can I borrow it?"

Greasy fingers grab at him,he ignores them like they're nothing.

Flies on road kill,no one cares enough to look just as his eyes and mouth don't care enough to look or speak to the people who so want his attention.

He gets to the big black gate,kissing noises and a ramble of voices ring out behind his back but he doesn't care to look.

Big eyes and greedy faces covered in dirt,needy woman wanting sex and annoying men wanting money along with children begging for God knows what is what he'll see.

He doesn't have to turn to know they're touching his car,smudgy fingers leaving marks that annoy him greatly.

No matter,hell get a new one.

Up the cement steps with coins permanently cemented in,someones clever idea that makes the house stand out more as if it's height didn't make it stand out enough.

The beefy bodyguard at the door nods to him,silent conversation they always have before words come out.

"Bobby what have I told you about beggars on the steps?"

A rough silky voice that many love,many hate as well but love hate relationships are powerful and run deep in everyone's veins.

The bodyguard called Bobby shrugs.

"This new batch showed up yesterday."

The boy in the car turns to look back at the group outside the gate,in gentle force they knock their bodies forward as if breaking the gate will make him give them want they want.

Like roaches and rats,disgusting creatures that need to be rid of before infecting everyone and everything in their path.

He stares a second longer before turning back to the beefy man who stands beside them.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now