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Breathe in...

Breathe out...

A big metal trash can crashes on my right,making my nerves shoot higher than they already are.

A shadow looms on my left,tall and dark and mysterious as it seems to walk closer to me though there's nothing there.

Just darkness,cold cruel darkness wanting to frighten me so I can cry out for help like the small child I am.

A cold breeze hits my neck,shivers shoot through me as I cover myself and wish I had brought a jacket with me to keep warm.

The streets dead quiet,the kind of quiet that makes it seem like everyone's asleep but you know everyone's inside doing whatever they want.

The kind of quiet where bad things lurk in the shadows,demons and monsters waiting to pounce on you whenever you have your back turned and your the most vulnerable.

dark and quiet dark and quiet dark and quiet quiet and dark

The sound of a dog howling relaxes me just barely,a familiar noise on a scary dark street that only has 3 streetlights on despite the long line of them that runs all down the street.

My steps sound so loud in the dead of night,quiet and soft and small like a kid who's gotten lost and is trudging his way back home after being out all night.

Speaking of home...

I smile as I picture my dark bad boy,delicious smile on his yummy lips as he drapes his arms around me to pull me into a tight hug.

Warm strong arms that protect me from the world,a safe key that keeps all the evil things and scary faces locked in the door behind him so it can't touch me.

My brain replays pictures of him over and over and over,my favorite movie that makes me smile and has my heart pounding like a bunny in a cage.

The only thing that calms me,a nightlight to a child who's scared of the dark.

A teddy bear they hold when they hear a scary noise.

A hug from their mommy or daddy that makes all the bad scary nightmares go away instantly.

My bad boy the only one who makes me feel this way,calm and relaxed and oh so safe from all the things in the world that make me panic inside.

My drug of choice,my favorite addiction.

The pill that makes all the pain go away,no bruises except the ones he leaves with his perfect teeth and his delicous lips and sweet yummy tongue.

I smile to myself as I think about him,delicious skin I love to taste almost as delicious as the moans he slips from his mouth when I touch him.

My bad boy,all mine and mine only.

My thoughts of my home are interrupted by a clanging noise,sound of pots and pans being clanged together somewhere in the distance.

It sends a shiver through me,plain noise you'd hear anywhere but in the dead of the night it makes me nervous.

I quicken my pace,wanting to get back to the hotel room where my bad boys probably sleeping like he was when I left him.

I wanted cherry pops and hated to wake him for such a small thing,never getting enough sleep I hate to wake him when he finally does get any.

Deciding I'd be quick I went out to get some,bright yellow convenient store bag I now hold in my hand with sloppy black letters that say 'thank you and come again.'

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now