something worth staring at

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"Well at least I pay the bills you bastard!"

"With what money?! I'm the only one who-


The door shakes as I leave,the house making me angry that it doesn't topple over right now.

It could topple over,taking my parents with it.I'd never have to hear them arguing or fucking ever again.

It'd be silent at my house from then on.

I sigh when it remains standing,kicking a rock across the yard to where it knocks over that stupid garden gnome my mother bought online.

I head to school,listening to the clouds above that signal rain will soon be upon us.

Stupid parents.

Why can't they just run away to some paradise for a second honeymoon and never return?

Why must they stay here?

They don't care about me.They only care for each other.

So why do they stick around?

What's the point?

Like school,they're pointless.


I don't give a shit anyway.

Schools in my sights and I sigh,preparing for all the bullshit that'll be poured in my head today.

Oh joy.

I cross the lot and feel like I'm being watched,my head swivels to the side.

There at the bike rack he stands,the boy from yesterday.

He's got his glasses on still but I feel him staring at me,his gaze heavy.

Some other girl,different from yesterday,comes up and practically throws herself at him.

I see her hands press against his chest as she looks up at him,moving her body against his seductively.

Same as yesterday he doesn't pay any attention.

His head remains tipped up in my direction,his gaze burning holes through me.

The girl looks annoyed that he doesn't wanna have fun with her,doesn't even look at her for a second.

She huffs and storms to leave,an annoying sigh coming from her that even I can hear from way over here.

Annoying slut.

I watch her leave before turning back to him,his head cocked as he watches me.

I bite my lip softly and smirk to myself.

School just got a lot more interesting.


Lunch time is annoying,despite the fact there's food.

Why is it that every couple has to make out while at lunch?

I understand you're not in class and all but seriously,do you have to suck each other faces and grab body parts as I'm trying to eat this shitty food?

Come on,seriously stop.

This is why I prefer to eat outside.

There's this table,far from the cafeteria,outside where no one goes.

It's small and quiet,away from all the stupid conversation my fellow classmates entertain themselves with.

Thankfully some teacher decide to put it there or I'd have to actually sit in the stuffy lunchroom,listening to everyone talking on and on and on.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now