this is where I leave you

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our hate is love,it's insane but true
just know without you...I can't make it through

JJ• ~next day~

The sound of the tv blares into the bathroom as I brush my teeth,neon red color brush that shines brightly under lights like the ones above me.

My bad boy sitting on the bed,pretending to watch the show but I know he doesn't care anything for it.

annoying drama of he said she said,nothing that captures my bad boys attention in the slightest way

I twirl my feet in circles,habit I do without even noticing I do it as I stare at my reflection in the clear silver mirror.

Pale ugly skin stares back at me,a small boy with blue eyes and pale pale skin that looks deadly like ghosts floating in haunted cemeteries.

"I should get a tan."

Mumbly words spoken around the cleaning tool in my mouth,minty toothpaste on the corners of my mouth as I twirl my feet around and around while I think.


His voice breaks through to me,question of just why I wanna change how freakishly pale I am.

pale and pathetic,small pale boy so freaky compared to the tall perfect model he's always glued to

I shrug to myself more than him,not sure if he sees me though cause I'm having a stare down with my reflection.

"Cause I'm as pale as a ghost and it's gross."

true true true,pale so so freakily pale it's unnatural and rather odd

Twirling my feet some more I lean to spit the minty watery substance out,down the drain it swirls in a light cloudy white mix.

My heart jumps when I feel a tall shadow behind me,rough soft hands that chill me down to my bones circle my waist gently.

I smile softly,standing straight to lean back against him.

A kiss in my hair makes my stomach twist up badly,shivers down my spine that never stop no matter how many times he touches me.

"I love your pale skin angel."

Soft words in my ear,tone that makes my heart race as he kisses my hair once more gently.

I bite my lip,pressing back into his touch my eyes closed as I can feel his heart thumping inside his beating chest.

"You do?"

how how how,how could the perfect boy with beautiful eyes and a perfect smile love pale pale skin

Rough soft hands rub my stomach through my shirt,butterflies making me feel weak and tingly to my toes.

I feel him nod above me,kisses to my temple as my hands rest over his on my clothed stomach.

"I love every inch of your pale skin angel."

Goosebumps on my neck as the words stick like glue,words I won't forget in all the years I live.

He bends lower,in the mirror I watch as he dips and in seconds feel his teeth nip at my skin.

I bite my lip as my heart races wildly,shiny teeth leaving love bites on the back of my neck as I stand pressed against him in this lit bathroom.

"I love your pale neck."

His rough raw voice speaks as he presses harder bruises,moans quietly leave my lips without me stopping them.

His hands pull away from my waist,spinning me around in a quick motion I might have lost my balance if I wasn't leaving against the counter.

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