so close yet so far

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"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"


"Pretty pretty please with sprinkles and cherries and whipped cream?"

"You know I don't like sweets so that won't help you."

"Pretty please with me naked?"


"Pretty please with me all dripping wet?"


"Pretty please with cum for your coffee?"




"Why not?"

"Because I'm not doing it."

"You have to do one or the other."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"And what makes you think I'll do what you say?"

"Because you're obsessed with me and you can't say no to me and you like spoiling me so you'll give me what I want."

"Oh really?"

"Yep and if you don't do one or the other...I won't let you watch me shower anymore."

"That's not fair."

"Your choice Shades."

He rolls his eyes and groans,the beautiful dark red color that reminds me of candy apples making me feel breathless in my chest as I smile slightly.

Set the scene of him leaning against the bathroom doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest,head leaning on the wall as he pretends to look annoyed but I know he's not.

I'm sitting on the bed in his big black shirt he wore before he showered earlier,smelling so strongly of my bad boy I'm in complete heaven.


I lift the bright blue camera to my eyes,his eyes flash a bright golden color that reminds me of gold bars before he shuts them quickly.


Picture of his yummy shadow leaning on the wall,eyes closed and face scrunched in what some would see as annoyance but I know is amusement.

I smile happily before looking up at him again.

"Choose one." I smirk.

He rolls his eyes once more,my heart happy in my chest as I watch the scene.

When he went to shower earlier it took all of me not to jump in there with him,wanting to watch as the soft clear liquid kissed his skin beneath the shower head as he stood there nude.

I bit my lip with the yummy images in mind,this close to actually doing it.

Instead I snuck in and stole his glasses,hiding them in the small triangular table with doodle hearts scratched in with blue and purple ink.

When he got out his eyes were shining a dazzling white color,it reminded me of clouds and my soul smiled at the lovely pale color.

"Where are they?"

He asked in that rough tone only he has,my heart immediately fluttering.

"Where's what?"

I asked so innocently,one hand twisting in Finns fur while the other fiddled with the hem of his shirt I was wearing...which I also stole.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now