talking to the sky

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"What time is it?"

His sweet voice calls to me,my gaze slipping from the road to glance over at his perfection.

"4:30 in the morning."

He nods,tired tone dripping in his voice that makes me smile to myself.

"Where are we?"

I honestly have no idea.We've been driving for 6 hours or so,no need to stop since I filled the car up when we last stopped at the drug store.

I shrug.

"No clue."

He nods,small movement that looks tired as his eyes droop slightly.

"I'm sleepy."

A small yawn escapes his little lips and I have an urge to lean across and lick them.

"Sleep.I'll wake you if anything interesting happens."

He nods,leaning over to the holder that separates our bodies and body heat.

He presses a small kiss near my ear,thankfully I'm driving or I would have jumped up from the shocks that surged through me.

He leans back,his small body getting comfortable in the seat as the look of sleep fits over him like a blanket.

His eyes are closed in seconds and a small snore leaves his mouth,smile fitting my face as it travels through my ears.

This is crazy.

Go ahead say it,you're crazy.

Traveling with a boy you barely know to nowhere in particular,looks will be thrown my way when his parents plaster his flawless face on milk cartons saying he's missing.

He says they won't notice,the thought seems foreign and strange to me,odd thought out in a sea of thoughts.

How could they not notice?

The perfect angel is not there,gracing their house with the presence of his beauty and the sweet chorus of his voice.

How can you not notice he's gone?

I know this is crazy,beyond crazy I should be locked up for doing it.

If people caught me they'd throw me in jail,not a scary thought cause bars don't frighten me.

Cages and bars don't scare me,bars are good to keep animals in cages.

I shouldn't be doing this,leave while I can before I get in too deep.

I should turn around,return him to the two people he belongs to.

The two people who are graced just by having him in their lives.

The two people who own this precious thing I'd kill to call mine.

I should get out of this before I'm in too deep,deep enough I drown.

I glance over when a small noise leaves his lips,sigh mixed with a moan that has me thinking things I shouldn't think when I'm this close to him.

An urge to pull over and tug him to my body,hands roaming in places no one but me can touch.

He fidgets for a second in his seat,uncomfortable look masking his face as he sleeps.

An urge to pull him close and rub his back,his soft skin so tempting for my fingers to play on.

Fidgets for another second before he falls still,sleep masking his face once more.

I glance back to the road,tiny drops of sky hitting my windshield as I race down the highway that only contains me and the beautiful sleeping boy beside me.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now