Chapter 63

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(Josh P.O.V.)

*trigger warning. (Depressing thoughts.)*

"You couldn't even get a decent looking ring for me, how pathetic. How can I be with someone who is so fücking pathetic?" Abby-Lynn snickers in my face, shoving me to the ground. I look up at her, and she just glares down, no remorse, all of the love gone from her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'll get you a better ring." I manage to stutter out, trying to stand back up again. Her fingers claw into my arm, pricking at the flesh. I can feel blood slithering down my arm. Biting my lip to stop from crying out in pain, I just watch her as she smiles.

"How about you get me a better man to date? Someone who actually does well in life?" Hurt flashes across my face, and she smirks. "All you do is play drums, how pathetic! You're nothing. Nothing at all. Worthless. I can't believe I'm with a guy who can provide me with nothing."

"You are not my Abby-Lynn." I cant stop the words from leaving my mouth. She stares at me for a couple of seconds, just staring deep into my eyes.

Suddenly, everything is changing all at once. The atmosphere grows cold, freezing even. The lights are now red, casting demonic figures to dance in the corners. But most importantly, the girl who I loved most, transformed into something I hated most: myself.

"You're right, I'm not." The voice that leaves his mouth, my mouth, sounds like nails on a chalkboard. I flinch when he speaks, which just causes his grin to grow. "I'm you, and you are me. You are the pathetic side of me. Want to know a little something that I know, but you don't?" He teases, walking around me in a circle. I don't answer. All I can do is scowl at him as he touches me, and watch as his finger burns my skin.

"You can't save her. You could never save her. You aren't enough to. One day, she is going to die, and her last thought will be about how she wished she had someone stronger by her side." The man that is me stares into my eyes. A scream echoes from beside us, and I refuse to look, because I know who it is.

"Why don't we look, Joshua?" He hooks his finger under my chin, and forcefully turns my head. Sprawled out on the floor is Abby-Lynn, crying. Her hands are constantly hitting against her head. I quickly run over to her, trying to stop this image in my head. Grabbing her hands, she looks at me and smiles, exhaling.

"Josh, my Josh." Her voice sounds like music to my ears. She brings her hand up to my cheek, and I lean into it, allowing a sob to escape.

"Wait, this isn't supposed to happen. What the hell!" The voice that sounds like mine screams out from behind us. Gusts of wind attacks us, but Abby-Lynn won't look away from my eyes.

"Time to wake up, baby."

Sitting up abruptly, I feel a pressure on my hand. Looking over to my side, I see Abby sitting there, holding it tightly, tears streaming down her face. My eyes instantly see the bruised mark under her eye. I look at it, and quickly yank my hand away. Standing up out of bed, I pull on my hair.

"Baby, it's ok. You were sleeping." Abby tries to comfort me, but I keep pacing back and forth in the room. She's kneeling in the edge of the bed, pleading for me to come lay with her.

"I-I hurt you." I say, finally stopping to face her. I drop to my knees, and bury my face in my hands. "I hurt you. I can't ever forgive myself." I start slightly pounding on my head, quite like Abby did in my dream.

After a couple of seconds, I feel a hand in mine, pulling them away from my face. Once again, she places my hand on her cheek, the one that is swelling. She looks into my eyes and kisses the palm of my hand.

"You didn't hurt me. I was trying to wake you up and you thrashed. It was my fault for panicking. I just wanted you up as quickly as possible." I pull her close to me, wrapping my arms around her. We sit there, holding each other for a while. The whole time, she just keeps on repeating that she loves me while the voice in my head keeps on repeating I'm pathetic.

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