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"Friday's are always better than Sunday's!" Abby-Lynn sings along to the music as it pulsates through her headphones. Tonight's the night. Twenty One Pilots is coming to Atlanta, Georgia and she is finally going to see them live. After first hearing them in 2013 with the song Migraine, she's been a fan since.

"Shadows will scream that I'm alone, but I know we've made it this far... Kid." She's dancing around her room as she is packing for tonight. It's about a 2 hour trip to get to the venue, and since she doesn't have a car yet, her friends are taking her.

"I AM NOT AS FINE AS I SEEM!.. pardon." In the midst of her dancing, she accidentally knocks over her mirror, sending it to the floor where it shatters into a million of pieces. Sighing, she bends down and starts picking up the shards. Looking into the broken bits, she sees herself.

Her blue eyes stared back at her as her they travel across her face. Her faded red hair now resided to a dull pink. It was naturally wavy, but she straightened it easier this morning, and now it was all the way down to her mid back. Picking up a piece of glass, she pricks herself. She watches as the blood slowly slithers down her finger, resting on her palm.

"Abby-Lynn! Are you ready?" Abby's head snaps up and she sees Emily, one of her kinder friends standing in her doorway.

"What time is it?" She asks confused. Standing up, she realizes her legs locked up while cleaning up the glass. It couldn't be time to leave yet, it was noon literally just two minutes ago.

"Three in the afternoon! I've been texting you. Liz was about to leave you, so let's go!" Emily exclaims, walking out the door. Abby-Lynn sighs. This isn't the first time this has happened. Sometimes she'll be doing something and time just flies by without her knowing.. Good thing she doesn't drive, yeah?

Looking down at her outfit, she decides she wants to change real quick. Pulling on some light wash jeans, she grabs her lilac crop top that reads "I prefer the drummer". After grabbing her white vans, she runs out the door with her makeup bag in her hand.

"Bout time ya bitch!" Liz sighs, starting the car. Abby-Lynn looks down with a sheepish smile, apologizing. Emily rolls her eyes at Liz.

"Come here, Lynn. Let me do your makeup." Abby smiles gracefully at her friend, turning sideways to face her. During the whole car ride, the girls sing to Twenty One Pilots.

Tonight is the night she finally gets to see the band that gives her motivation to live. And honestly, she couldn't be happier. Nothing could destroy her mood.

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