Chapter 23

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"Welcome back! We are here with duo Twenty One Pilots! Today, we are going to ask questions that the fans sent in!" The cheery interviewer, flashes her eyes at the camera and pats Josh's knee. He offers a smile at, but slowly tries moving his leg away, causing my to giggle. Looking over at me, he smirks and winks.

"Ok, so Madison from South Carolina wants to know where is the best city you've ever performed at?" The interviewer smiles at Tyler and Josh, encouraging Tyler to use his microphone.

"I don't think for me there's a favorite. All the shows are different, but they all have the same meaning to us." Tyler looks at Josh, who nods and clears his throat, and I offer him a thumbs up, to which he blushed.

"Yeah, what Ty said. Every single concert is great in its own way." Tyler looks at josh, subtlety patting his back.

"Great! Alexis from Georgia wants to know how you guys relax your nerves before a show."

"Josh has developed a cute new way, haven't you, Josh?" Tyler smirks, looking at me for s couple of seconds. Jenna gasps and giggles behind me. Josh laughs, grinning ear to ear.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." The girl nods him, pressing him forward. "Oh, well um. You see that girl over there?" Pointing to me, the interviewer nods ecstatically, forcing the camera man to face the camera towards me. Blushing, I offer a small wave, causing Tyler to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Well, when I'm stressed out before a concert, she'll come over to me and coax me into believing it will be ok. She has a really relaxing voice. Beautiful singing voice as well." I blush, and hide behind Jenna, who is in awe at what Josh is saying.

"How precious! Are we gonna be able to hear her sing?" She looks at me, eyes wide. I disappear behind Jenna's back, embarrassed.

"Only if she wants to." Josh's voice is so smooth when he says this, that my stomach flips.

"Well, let's give her time to think about it while we take a five minute break!" The interviewer nods, walking away. Jenna and I walk over to the boys, Jenna sitting in Tyler's lap.

"Look at what you started. You're gonna give the poor girl a heart attack!" She exclaims, lightly slapping Tyler on the chest. He just grins in return, kissing her on the cheek.

"Are you gonna do it, babe?" Josh whispers, pulling me down so I'm sitting in his lap. I shrug, blushing.

"You really should." Tyler says, looking at me. "If you want, Josh and I can request instruments to play so you're not alone." My heart caves in at how sweet he is being. Jenna just looks at her husband lovingly.

"I mean, if you guys could do that then I probably wouldn't be so scared." I murmur, hiding my face in Josh's neck. He rubs my back in soothing circles, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.

"We got you." Tyler says, smirking and nodding at me, going back to paying attention to his wife.

"I can't wait to hear you sing. I haven't heard it for a little while." Josh whispers, lifting my head up to look into my eyes. I smile at him, to which he returns.

"Ok! So will you do it?" The interviewer comes back, grinning with hopeful eyes. I nod, and Tyler explains to her that they need something to play.

"My crew will get that for you right now. While they do that, let's do like three more questions?" She sits down, grabbing the cards and randomly grabbing three. Jenna and I run off the set before they continue.

"Frankie from Colorado wants to know, Josh, if you and Abby-Lynm are official yet." She smiles at him, glancing over at me with a smirk. Blush covers my face as Jenna jumps up and down, trying to cover her squealing.

"Oh, um. Not yet." Josh looks down, rubbing the back of his neck, blush consuming his face. Jenna lies down on the ground, kicking her legs.

"Oh my God! He said not yet!" She whisper yells, and then covers her mouth to shriek. Rolling my eyes at my dramatic friend, I stare at Josh, who stares back with hopeful eyes. I wink at him and he laughs.

"Next question! Joshua from Washington wants to know what it is like being the second best Josh in the world. Oh dear, that isn't really question so let me grab another one real quick." The interviewer blushes, quickly grabbing her deck of cards.

"Alyssa from New Jersey would like to know that if the speech at the concert in Charlotte about friends and anger had anything to do with someone at the concert?" Tyler and Josh give each other a sad smile, and Josh nods at him.

"Yes, but we refuse to call someone straight out, that's not what we are about. We just wanted to let everyone know that we have to treat people right. Our person was badly mistreated. A couple of their friends left her, and then insulted her. We don't want or need that kind of hate in the clique, so that's why we did what we did." Josh nods the whole time as Tyler talks, eyes never once leaving me.

"That's sweet that you guys turned it into something inspirational. After that concert, videos of the speech went viral and it is truly heartwarming what you guys do for your fans. Ok! Last question! Brendon from California says hey Josh, when are you going to snatch up that fine piece of as- ok! No more questions for today!" The interviewer says, ripping up the card and throwing the pieces into the air, her face the exact same color as Josh's.

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