Chapter 21

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Click, click.

I hear noises, but I can't see anything because Tyler just had to insist I wear a blindfold. He's been giggling the whole time while leading me to wherever the hell we are going.

"Tyler I was joking when I said you had to blindfold her!" I hear Josh's voice, and my heart instantly speeds up. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from smile.

"Whoopsie. I must've forgot. Well here she is! Have fun you two." I hear Tyler walking away, laughing. I reach up to remove the blindfold, but I feel hand stopping me. Instantly, I know who's hands they belong to. No one else has the same hands as my Josh.

"Not yet. Let's turn you around so it's still a surprise. Good, thank you. I'm going to remove it now, ok?" His voice is gentle, sending shivers down my spine. I eagerly nod, my hands leaving his, but going to his sides to hold onto his shirt. He carefully takes the blindfold, making sure to not disturb my hair.

When I can finally see him, I about have a heart attack. He is wearing a white button up shirt, with black jeans. His shirt is right around his arms, muscles clearly visible. My eyes travel up to his face and he is just looking down at me with a childish grin, eyes squinty.

"So what are we doing?" My hands are still on his sides, not loosening my grip on his shirt. He moves his hands from my shoulders down to my hands, lacing his fingers with mine.

"Turn around and you'll see." Josh winks, twirling me around. In front of us is a white screen. Surrounding it is different heights of light stands, and a person standing over in the corner with a camera. Raising my eyebrows at Josh, he leans his head on my shoulder.

"I had a photo shoot today for the band, and I talked to my photographer. I told him I wanted someone very special to me to come take photos afterwards. He was ecstatic, but wants to know if you're ok with him posting them on his website." Josh explains, pointing over to the photographer who waves and smiles. I nod, and Josh grabs my hand, leading me over to the white screen.

"Great! I'm so excited to do this with you guys! You look beautiful, Abby. You can call me Collin. Shall we get started?" Collin shakes my hand, and steps back, readying his camera. Looking at Josh, I nod.


"You guys are so precious." Collin squeals, never once stop taking pictures. At first, Josh and I tried to act normal in the pictures, but now we are just being silly. Right now he is sticking his tongue out at me, and I'm sucking in my cheeks to look like a fish.

"Ok. I have a pose I want you guys to try, is that ok." Josh agrees, and Collin comes over to us, moving us to fit whatever is in his mind. By the time he backs away, Josh is behind me, hands on my hips, and my body is facing straight, but my head is towards his.

"One more thing." Collin comes back and pushes my outside lend backwards a bit, so I'm sort of bent and looking like a dancer. Josh is smiling down at me, his eyes never leaving mine. "Perfect! Stay still."

Collin clicks away, and Josh and I just stare into each others eyes, and before I know it his lips are on mine. I put my hands on his, which are sound my waist. When we pull away, we hear squealing coming from Collin.

"I got it!" Excitedly showing us the picture, it goes from us staring at each other, to us leaning in, and finally our lips touching. Both of our faces look so peaceful, and it's one of the best pictures I've ever seen.

Looking up at Josh, I notice he's been staring at me the whole time, grinning.

Hide And Seek ~ Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now