Chapter 57

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(Josh P.O.V.)

"Thanks, Tyjo. It means a lot." I whisper, patting him on the back. He just dropped off a sleeping Abby after finding her from somewhere within this damn town. He smiles at me, yawning slightly. We say goodbye and he goes back to his own room.

Signing, I walk over to my sleeping princess. She looks peaceful, all expression cleared away except for a small lift on the corner of her lips. I kiss her forehead, my bottom lip quivering a bit. Taking a deep breath, I back up and walk to the bathroom. Taking my phone out, I call the only person I know that can give me comfort right now.

"Josh?" The voice rings through the phone, and I bite back a soft sob.

"Hey, Mom." I allow a small smile to form in my face. I hear the excitement as she starts to explain how much she has missed me.

"Wait, why are you calling me so late? Is everything ok?" Her mood suddenly changes, her voice lowering a bit. I let out a small sigh, she's such a good mother.

"Just... A long day. Tyler found Abby, I'm so happy. But, mom, I'm so scared. She means a lot to me and it's scary about what could happen to her. I just want to protect her, but how can I when whatever is hurting her is inside of her?" I clench my fist, slamming it a couple of times against the side of my thigh. It's difficult to finally admit stuff out loud.

"Oh, my baby boy. You're so in love with her. You can't always protect her. You'll just have to always be there for her, that's the most important thing you can do. She said she would go to the doctors after the tour, so just make sure you go with her, give her encouragement. She is lucky to have you because you won't leave her, make sure she knows that."

I take a deep breath and use my free hand to rub my face. I'm sitting on the sink, facing sideways so I look into the mirror. My eyes are bloodshot, my hair worse than ever.

"Mother always knows best, doesn't she?" I say, and she laughs. My heart swells so I remind myself just a couple more days before I can see her and everyone. "Hey mom? Three more nights until the last concert. We're gonna have Mark and his buddies recording the whole night, so they will capture the moment. That's when I'm going to do it."

"In three nights? Oh my baby boy is growing up!" She squeals. "I'm so proud of you, Joshua. I honestly can't wait to finally meet her. I have to go before I bust your ear drum, I love you. Take it easy the next couple of nights. Go to bed, you need it."

After saying goodnight back, I hang up the phone. Putting it back in my pocket, I jump off of the sink and lean against it with my hands. Staring at my reflection once again, I splash water on my face, trying to calm my nerves.

Walking out of the bathroom, I see Abby-Lynn sitting up in bed, rubbing her eyes. She looks at me and offers a small smile. "Why are you awake?"

"I was just washing up before bedtime, Princess." I walk over to the lamps and turn it off, pulling off the covers and sliding in next to her. As soon as my body is laying down, she cuddles up next to me. A sigh escapes from her as she places her cold toes on my legs. Rolling my eyes, I kiss the top of her forehead.

"I love you, Josh." Her whisper is barely audible. I grab a piece of her hair and start twirling it around my finger. She slowly starts tracing the muscles on my stomach and chest.

"I love you, Abby-Lynn. More than you will ever know." She kisses my chest which causes goosebumps to rise on my skin. I can feel her lips turn up into a smirk. I lift her chin up and place a gently kiss on her lips. "Let's go to sleep, baby girl."

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