Chapter 24

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After finishing my shower, I wrap my towel around me and grab my razor. Propping my leg up, I apply shaving cream. I start shaving my leg, singing along to the music blasting through my phone.

I blink and the next thing I know, I'm on the floor with blood everywhere, and frantic shouting outside of the door.

"Abby! It's been two hours, are you ok in there?" Josh's voice is strained, and I try to call for help, but all of my energy is drained. Crawling over to my phone, I shut the music off, and Josh stops pounding on the door.

"Josh." I whisper, my throat hoarse. Using all of my strength, I grab my phone and call him.

"Abby?" He asks, voice curious. "Are you ok?" When he asks that, I start sobbing. He heard me, because the next thing I know, he is next to me, scooping me up into his arms.

He places me on the bed, and runs back to the bathroom to grab a wash rag and peroxide. While he is doing that, I adjust my towel, seeing as that's the only thing I can do.

"I need to clean this cut, Baby. I don't know how deep it is and I need to know. This may hurt." I look down, slightly confused, and see a big red blob of blood on my calf.

Taking shaky breaths, I grab for his hand. He looks at me, making sure I'm ok before pouring peroxide into my injury. I hiss, internally screaming at the pain of the stinging. I feel it bubbling on my skin and I try to shake it off, but Josh gently holds my leg down with his forearm as he slowly wipes away the blood and liquid.

"Jesus Christ, Abby." Josh whispers after most of the blood is washed away. Looking down at it, I see that there is a huge gash, about five inches long, one and a half inches wide. You can see a bit of muscle in the middle of it.

"How did this happen?" He stares at me, grabbing my hand and pulling it to his face. As I watch him, I can't help but to break out into tears.

"I-I don't know. I was shaving my legs and then I was on the ground. I couldn't move after it happened. I was so scared. If you weren't here.." He pulls me into his chest, lifting me up and laying me in his lap. Josh brushes my hair with his fingers.

"It's ok baby. I'm here though. It's ok. We need to go get your leg looked at. I think you need stitches." He speaks in a hushed tone, as if afraid of startling me. Nodding, he starts to carry me to the door.

"Uh. Josh, I'm still in a towel." His eyes widen, keeping them focused on the door. He nods, waddling towards the bags holding our clothes. Gently laying me on the floor, I tell him what to grab. He doesn't even hesitate or snicker when I ask if he can grab a pair of underwear or bra. He just gathers them for me, and puts them beside me. Then he turns around, leaning with his forearms the wall.

After shimmying into everything, i start to lift myself up when Josh walks back over to me and scoops me in his arms.

"I don't want you to strain yourself anymore. Please just let me take care of you." He speaks in a low and solemn voice. I don't say anything and just lean my head into the crook of his neck.

As he walks, I trace over his collarbone that is above the collar of his shirt, which causes him to get goosebumps. Looking up at him, I can't help but admire his features.

He hasn't shaved in a while, so a good amount of scruff is on his face, making it look more structured than normal. His lips are slightly chapped and you can see indentions on them from where he bites them. Whenever he blinks his eyelashes skim over his cheekbones, caressing them.

Honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve such a handsome, kind man to care for me like he does.

I lean up, and kiss his cheek. His instant reaction is to kiss my forehead, which causes me to smile. I hide my face into his shoulder, causing him to giggle slightly.

I may be falling hardcore for Josh Dun.

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