Chapter 28

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Crouching down between two speakers in the backstage area, I am hidden. They cast shadows over me, allowing my black clothes to blend into the darkness. Josh is lying on the ground next to two rows of light fixtures, a black beanie over his head to hide his colorful hair. Mine is pulled up into a bun, hidden underneath my hoodie.

"Come out, come out, whoever you are." Tyler's voice rings through the empty venue, loud as ever. His feet padding on the floor as he walks to the backstage. He walks right by me, and I hold my breath, terrified.

As he leaves my spot, I unclench my fists. He walks by where Josh is hiding, not even looking down to see if he is there. I want to laugh so bad, but I bite my lip, refusing to move. Honestly, Tyler looks kinda scary right now. He has his paint on his hands and neck, and he keeps tapping on everything when he walks by it, a slight bounce in his step.

"This place is too frickin' big." He sighs, turning around to walk away. I see Josh cover his mouth, trying to stop from giggling. Tyler's head spins around, a grin forming over his face. From where I'm hiding, I can see Josh's eyes widen, as he tries to get closer to the ground. I watch as Tyler gets closer and closer, until he is leaning over the lights.

"Found Josh." He says over the walkie talkie, running to go hide. Josh slams his fist into the ground, standing up and turning around to start counting. I sigh and jump up, searching for a new hiding place. Tyler looks over at me and pouts, before disappearing.

Running into the crowd, I swiftly climb up the the second row of seats, and lie down on the floor, hidden by the rows of chairs. Adjusting my hoodie over my head, I lie face down on the floor, arms over my face so I don't touch the nasty floor.

"Thirty." Josh's voice rings over the walkie talkie. "I'm coming for you, Abby." His voice is sinister, and I shove my face further into my arms, praying I don't get found.

Minutes pass, and I don't hear any movement at all. My eyes are shut tight, as if the tighter I can get them, the more I can blend in with the darkness. I don't understand how these sweet boys can be so scary.

"Abby." Josh's voice whispers from in front of me, and I look up to see him crouching before of me, a lopsided grin on his face. I almost scream, but in a quick second his lips are on mine, pulling me into a passionate kiss. His hands are on my face, mine on his chest. When he pulls away, he bites his lip, and jumps up.

"Abby is it." And with that, he vanishes from my sight. Groaning, I put my head into my knees and start to count.


I have been walking around for about five minutes, checking every place that could be hiding someone, mentally saving spots for the future. I see a movement of brown in the corner of my eye, and I swiftly turn my head. The brown has vanished, but I tiptoe over to where I found it. Having to jump up onto an oversized cart, I look down and spot Mark, crouched down.

"Found Marky." I grin and run away. I hear him curse my name, before counting. While searching for one of the spots I found earlier, I'm pulled into vast darkness.

Even though it's dark, I see the glimmer of eyes that can only be Josh. Sighing to calm my beating heart, I lean into him. He wraps his arms tight around my waist, pulling me tight against his body. I cradle his cheek in my hand, feeling his scruff rub against it.

Josh leans down and kisses me deeply, afterwards resting his head on my shoulder. He is so warm right now, and it's beyond relaxing.

"Sorry to spoil the fun guys. But we gotta get ready for the show. Thirty minutes." Chris's voice sounds out over the walkie talkies, and we hear groans from all over the venue. Suddenly, you see people from everywhere jumping down from things, standing up, and even sliding out from places to go do their jobs.

"Just a couple more hours." Josh whispers into my ears, before sneaking out to go to his dressing room. I shake my head and walk out from the hiding spot, to see Jenna leaning outside, smirking at me.

"A date? Let's go get you ready."

Hide And Seek ~ Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now