Chapter 38

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(Josh P.O.V.)

I stay up watching her sleep while she sleeps. I knew something was up. Abby was squeezing my hand so tight. I could feel the fear practically radiating off of her. My poor girl shouldn't have to be so scared to sleep. I really need to call the doctors for her soon.

She looks so peaceful now that she has been asleep for a little bit. She's rolled over onto my chest, her hand balled into a fist on my chest. She honestly looks like a goddess sleeping. Her hair has finally dried almost completely, curling around her face. Her mouth is slightly open, eyelashes resting on her high cheek bones.

I don't know how I got so lucky to be blessed with her. I'm super excited that I get to spend my birthday with her. I'll be turning 27, wow. Where has the time gone?

I guess it's hella easy to lose track of time when you're loving the life you're living. I travel the world, performing with my best friend, meeting thousands of fans everyday. I got to meet my favorite blogger and now she is my girlfriend traveling the world with me too. I never want to give any of this up.

Thinking back, I remember one day when Abby-Lynn was extra sad, about a year and a half ago. She posted this one really depressing quote, and then didn't post anything or respond to any of my messages I sent her. I went into an actual panic attack.

Turns out, she decided to shut herself off from the world for a little bit. But when she came back, she went through all of my messages I had sent, replied to every single one, and posted a video to the 'anon.' I remember her words clearly.

"Thank you, to the person who has sent me continuous messages, day after day for a long long time. I'm sorry I frightened you when I vanished, but I want you to know how much you mean to me. You really have made me feel lovely."

She had a smile that calmed all of my fears. She held up a scrapbook with all of my messages printed out. She flipped through a couple, and I remember crying when I saw that. To be able to know you helped someone a little bit, it's heartwarming.

One screenshot that captured me sight was the one that I put in there saying "so try to love me and I'll try to save you." It's the lyric I sent her at least once every week. It had hearts and flowers around it, standing out more than the rest.

Looking down at her, I kiss her forehead. I know I'm falling for her. It's only a matter of time before it's official. I wonder if she's feeling the same for me. I hope she does, more than anything.

Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I quickly snap a picture of her sleeping on my chest, and post it on Twitter.

@joshuadun "how precious." I put my phone down, avoiding the notifications. Laying back down beside her, I let myself daydream for hours, checking on her every couple minutes.

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