Chapter 6

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"You have two choices. You can one, take a cab home with money we give you, or two, you can stay on tour for a couple of weeks, help around. It seems like you make the boys happy, and I want it to stay that way." Michael said, the boys manager. I couldn't close my mouth. Stay on tour? What?

"You'd be finishing the tour with us, it's about almost two months long. We want to keep these boys happy. You could say no and we would put you in cab right now." He talked fast, but was kind. When he spoke he looked me in the eyes, which I took as a sign of respect.

"I-.. I wouldn't be a burden?" I ask, looking down at my hands. When he said he wanted to talk to me five minutes ago, he pulled me over into his room at the hotel. And now... This could change my whole life.

"Sweetheart, of course not. I haven't seen Josh this well rested in ages. Poor kid is always having nightmares. But he woke up with a smile today, and I'd like to hope that it's because of you. So.. What do you say?" He leaned backward, resting his hands against the drawer behind him.

"I would love to, if that's ok." He grinned ear to ear, and clapped his hands.

"Great! We will need a list of things you need. Jenna and the boys will help out with what they can. It's glad to have you working with us, Miss Abby." He pulls me up and pats me on the back, practically pushing me out of his door.

Outside is Josh and Tyler, scratching their heads, both looking in different directions.

"Ohmygod." I whisper, just looking at them. Instantly, they both break out in smiles and grab me into a group hug.

"New tour member! Yaaaay!" They shout, jumping up and down in the middle of a hall.

"Guys shhhhhh." I try to get them quiet, grinning like a fool. Tyler let's go and runs down the hall, yelling Jenna's name. Turning a corner, he slides and almost falls, but catches himself. Not once does he slow down.

"Welcome to the tour, Abby-Lynn." Josh looks deep into my eyes, a smirk on his face.

I can't believe it. I'm on tour with Twenty One Pilots.

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