Chapter 7

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(Josh P.O.V)

"Please Michael, please do this for me. You could even give her any money that's supposed to go to me. She needs to stay on this tour. I need her to stay." I plead to Michael. For some reason, I just don't want her to leave. Not only was last night anything short of amazing, it was the first night I haven't had any nightmares in months, and Michael knew that.

"I've been following her on her account for about two years now. I just need to get to know her in person instead of just watching her post about her life." It's true. Everyday for the past two years I've checked her account to make sure she was ok. Most days she was, but there was that occasional day where she wasn't, and to be honest, I would send her anonymous questions just to make her happy.


"Wait, really?" My eyes are about to pop out of my head. Holy crap.

"If it means that much, yeah. You seem really determined today, I want it to be like that everyday from now on, ok? Now let me go find her and tell her you want her to sta-"

"No! You can't say I want it. Make up some excuse. You're good at that. Thank you so much, Mike!" With that being my final words, I run out the door to find Tyler.


"He's letting her stay?"

"Yeah! They're in his room right now talking. I talked to him right after breakfast while Jenna and Abby were getting ready." I can't wipe the grin off of my face.

"What's he saying to her?"

"Uh..." I shrug.

"Bro, let's go find out!" Tyler exclaims, slapping me on my shoulder.

"Dude, that'd be sick!" I shout, starting to run to his room.

"SO SICK." He yells, inches behind me. As we get closer to the hallway, we tiptoe.

Pressing our ears to the door, we listen to everything they say.


"Great!" We hear Michael cheer, and then seconds later the door is pulled open and Tyler and I jump back. Hearing the door slam shut, we look at Abby-Lynn.

She is standing in the doorway, her hands on her mouth, blush all over her face. Honestly, she looks beautiful. Her blue eyes shimmering like the sky on a sunny day, and I just stare at them as they do the same to mine.

"Ohmygod." She whispers so quietly. Tyler and I attack her in a hug, both of us grinning larger than we ever thought.

She is actually staying. Who would've thought?

Hide And Seek ~ Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now