Chapter 55

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"How's your head baby girl?" Josh whispers, waking me up. Looking towards the window, I'm blinded by the light which causes me to let out a screeching noise. Josh's eyes widen as he stares at me. Then he starts giggling, the soft little giggle that I love.

"My head is fine. How's your tummy?" When we got home yesterday, Josh had a stomach ache for the rest of the night. We laid on the bed for hours with me just rubbing his stomach and him playing with my hair. That's how we fell asleep I'm assuming.

"Better. Mustard and wasabi really don't go together. Like, at all." He makes a disgusted face, causing me to smile. I kiss his nose and a grin develops on his face. "I want to do something today. So get dressed in something comfortable." He jumps off of me and runs out of the room. I just stare at the door for a couple of minutes before getting up.

Stretching, I groan. I could sleep for days but that energetic little jelly bean won't let me. I make my way over to my bag and grab a pair of black jeans and a red tank top.  Walking into the bathroom, I pout as I realize I have to start my day.


"I'm in your mind, I'm singing," I sing along to the music sounding through my phone. I'm dressed, and dancing around the bathroom, trying to wake up completely.

"You're in my mind. I'm singing," Josh's voice travels loud and clear to me over the music, and I look towards the door. He's leaning against the frame of the door, all dressed and ready to go. He looks as handsome as ever. He walks closer as we both sing.

"Nowhere were they holy." He is closer now, and I can see the glimmer in his eye. "Open up your eyes and see." His mouth tilts up on the side, creating a little smirk as he sings.

"The clouds above will hold you." Josh is finally in front of me, and he wraps his arms around my waist, eyes never leaving mine. "The clouds above will sing." His forehead is now resting against mine, and we both can't wipe the silly smiles off of our faces. I just can't ignore how much I love him, and how I live for moments like this.

"Ok, so we are going to put that on the new set list and you guys will sing. Ok good, now let's go." Tyler says, smirking while sitting on the bed. Beside him is Jenna, who is looking down at her phone with a smirk.

"You guys are just so photogenic, like wow." She looks up for a second to wink at me before looking back down. "The fans will love this."

Josh blushes a bright red as he laughs gently. Standing behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck. I smile and pat his hand. I love it when he gets like this, because then he is extra cuddly.

"We just came to take Lil Dun." Tyler finally says, taking his eyes off of Jenna's phone. She nods, finally putting her phone away.

When he hears his name, Lil Dun runs out from underneath the bed and attacks Tyler's shoelace. "I'm sorry, did I offend you?" He talks to the dog, causing him to be even more playful. Jenna scoops up the puppy and rubs his tummy.

"We are kidnapping you today Lil Dun. We are going to have so much fun!" Jenna kisses my cheek before leaving. Tyler does his handshake with Josh and gives me a hug before trailing behind his wife.


"Where are we going?" I whine, leaning my head on Josh's shoulder as he drives. He just smiles and squeezes my thigh. I pout and scoot as far away from him as I can. All he does is just laugh at me.

"At least tell me a story then." I whisper, slowly sliding back over a little bit. He smirks when he sees me closer, and he grabs my hand.

"It's not a story but it's good news. After tou-tour," his voice cracks, and I can't help but feel my heart break a little bit. I forgot tour is ending very soon. "After tour, I want you to meet my family. They all want to meet you. Would that be ok?"  He has a sheepish smile on his face, nervous. I nod, excitedly.

We drive for a little while longer, talking about what we think of everything, our favorite moments from past concerts.

"Please close your eyes, baby girl." He says, lifting my hand and kissing my knuckles. Normally, I wouldn't, but since he seems so excited, I comply. "We are here! Open."

I open my eyes and a smile covers my face. He has brought me to a tattoo shop. Looking over at him, he is doing his squinty grin, clapping like a little kid. He jumps out of the car, tripping over the door, and opens my door for me. Together, we walk inside.


"That is so wicked." I say, looking down at Josh's tattoo. On his hand, he decided to get an alien spaceship, and it's one of the best tattoos I've ever seen. He grins up at me, eyes expressing how much he loves it.

"Your turn, doll face." The tattoo artist says. As I lay down, Josh takes my hand, looking at me with so much love.

The tattoo artist gets to work, occasionally cracking jokes with Josh. I decided to get it on the back of my shoulder, and if I'm honest, it hurts quite a bit, but it isn't too unbearable.

About thirty minutes later, it is done. Josh is grinning like a fool, tongue sticking out a little. I stand up and go to the mirror, looking over my shoulder. On my very own skin is the Twenty One Pilots logo with 'stay alive' written around it in Josh's handwriting.

I look at Josh, who is waiting for my expression. I smile and he starts clapping, relieved. Giving him a kiss, I remember just how lucky I am.

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