Chapter 11

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"Does this shirt make me look fat?" Tyler asks, walking out from behind the rack. Sassily, he puts his hand on his hip. Jenna starts putting accessories on him, and he is living it up, striking model poses every time she puts something new on him.

"That's so sick, bro." Josh snickers. Rolling my eyes, I start looking through the clothes. Spotting a beautiful dress, I gasp and grab Josh's hand.

"Wait outside my dressing room, please?" I beg Josh, jutting out my bottom lip and batting my eyelashes at him. He laughs and nods.

Quickly changing out, I put on the dress. It's a mint colored dress, goes down to a little above mid-thigh. There is only one sleeve: the right shoulder. From the ribcage down to a little higher than my hips is cut out on both sides, crossing into the middle and the back of the dress. Cute, but not too revealing.

Stepping out of the dressing room, Josh looks up from his phone, and stands up from where he is sitting.

"That's beautiful." His voice is low, and I twirl, grinning.

"Feel the material! It feels like heaven against my skin." I giggle, walking closer to him. He raises his eyebrow at me as he lets his hand glide over the material on the back of my skin.

"Wow. What? Why is it so soft?" His eyebrows are now scrunched down, and I laugh, shrugging my shoulders.

"Should I get it?" I look down at it, smoothing it down with my hand.

"Of course. Why wouldn't you? It looks perfect on you." I blush, smiling up at him.


"Tyler, are you forreal buying those?"

"Yes he is, and so are you! I got you some as well." Jenna exclaims, throwing a bunch of material into Josh's arms. It's a bunch of scarves, shirts, and other fabrics. "Abby-Lynn and I are going to make some stuff for the fans tonight, and we need material and such."

Josh nods, refusing to question anymore. Tyler just nods at him from above his handful of clothing, which Josh returns. Jenna smirks at then guys, grabbing my arm.

"Got everything you need, Sweetie?" I nod, grinning, looking down at my bags of clothes. Surprisingly, Josh has such a good taste in women's clothing, and he helped me pick out many cute outfits. From floral crop tops, to vibrant designed leggings.

"Good! I'm starving! Let's go out to eat. Where do you wa-"

"TACO BELL." Screams Josh and Tyler from behind us.


"So, Migraine was the first song you heard?" Tyler asks, stuffing his face with his burrito.

"Yeah. My friend did a animated lyric video for it, and it kinda got me hooked." Tyler nods.

"When's your birthday?" Jenna questions. She's sitting in the same booth as me, Tyler across from her, Josh across from me.

"June 10th." Josh chokes on his food.

"What? That's in a week!" I nod.

"Yeah, it is." Jenna just smiles at me, an evil glimmer in her eye.


"Why didn't you tell me your birthday was coming up.." We made it back to the hotel, and Josh and I are walking around for a few minutes before we have to leave for the next town.

"You never asked, Silly. Plus it wasn't important."

"But it is important! We are birthday buddies!" He pouts, pulling me to a stop. "What if your birthday passed without anyone knowing?" 

"It would've been ok." Looking into his eyes, I see how sad they are. They don't have the normal sparkle in them...

"No, it wouldn't of been. Birthdays may not be important to you, but they are to me." He steps closer to me, a hard look on his face. I nod, and look away.

"Ok.. Well now you know! So it's fine. I honestly didn't know it meant that much to you." I grab his hand, and pull him so we can continue walking. Just having him stare at me like that... It's heartbreaking and terrifying at the same time.

He pulls us to a stop again, but this time he is behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. Leaning his head down on my shoulder, he whispers.

"I promise to you this is going to be the best birthday ever. Just you wait." And then he releases me, walking ahead, leaving me behind as I just stare at him.

Hide And Seek ~ Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now