Chapter 60

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"I think you would beat the moon in a pretty contest." I hum, twisting my hair into a bun. Josh and I both dyed our hair this morning. He went back to pink while I decided to go to a lilac color. Josh seems to like it in me because he has constantly been playing with my hair all morning.

"You've stolen my air catcher, and I don't know if I want it back." Josh is hanging upside down off of the bed, yelling at his phone as he continuously loses his game. His hair has gotten longer which makes it more wild, he looks like a punk lion.

Today is our last day of tour, and it's sad. What if things are different since it's all over? I must've been hardcore staring while thinking because Josh looks up at me and smirks. He rolls off of the bed, and stares at me from his spot on the floor. Rolling my eyes, I start applying eyeliner.

"Air Catcher. I haven't heard that song in a long time. What's your favorite line from it?" Josh asks, standing up and skipping to the bathroom. He has refused to put on a shirt all morning, so I still don't know why I blush whenever I see his body. A grin covers his face when he sees my blush and he kisses my forehead.

"'I won't fall in love with falling', yours?" I turn back towards the mirror, finishing my makeup. Josh wraps his arms around my waist, placing his head on the space between my shoulder blades. Looking at him through the mirror, I try not to giggle at the sight of him being scrunched over.

"I like the ending. How it goes from 'I'm not sure I want to give you tools that can destroy my heart' to 'but now I'm here to give you words and tools that can destroy my heart.' It's super cute." Josh mutters, his voice muffled. A small smile forms on my face. Sometimes it just astonishes me how great his thoughts are. "Are you done with your makeup?"

"Yes..?" I say, and he quickly lifts me up, carrying me to bed. He places me down gently, and he crawls on to the bed, laying his head in my lap. I smile as the flashbacks go through my head of him doing this. I run a hand through his hair and he sighs, closing his eyes.

"I want to take you out around town." He whispers with his voice cracking. He clears his throat and opens his eyes, which are now slightly pink and glistening. I nod, running my hand along his jaw. He leans into my touch, bringing his hand to hold onto mine.

I don't know what he is thinking and stressing out about, but whatever it is, I will try my best to help him forget about it. As I stare down into his eyes, I can't help but think of all of the memories we shared on this tour and how much I love him.

"I love you." I whispered, leaning down to give him a short kiss. He smiles against my lips as he puts his hand around my neck. I slowly pull away, and he stares into my eyes.

"I love you, Abby-Lynn." The way he says my name sends shivers down my spine.


"This-this is the best pizza ever." Josh manages to say with a mouth full of pizza. I laugh and nod, taking another bite. We decided to go out for lunch, and while walking around town Josh saw a pizza shop and demanded we stop. "I'm going to travel to New Jersey every weekend just to get pizza from now on." He joked, a grin on his face.

I quickly take my phone out, and take a couple of photos of him, to which he smiles. Looking through my pictures, I'm so happy I have taken so many photos of him, Tyler, and Jenna on this tour.

"E-excuse me?" A low voice comes from beside us, and we both look. Standing at the edge of our table is our waiter, who is holding his phone in front of him. "I know this probably makes you mad all the time, but can I get a picture with you two? And just one of you two? I don't mean to bother you, it's just that I can't go to the concert tonight and it's such a honor to be able to see you guys."

The boy rambles on, obviously nervous. Josh just smiles at him, nodding at his words. Josh looks at me, raising his eyebrows to ask if it was ok. I nod, and we both stand up. I hold my hand out for the boys phone, and he places it in my hand with the biggest smile on his face. Josh stands beside him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. They both grin at the camera and I snap the picture.

"What's your name, dude?" Josh asks, looking at his fan.

"Jordan." He squeaks out, instantly clearing his throat. "Jordan." He says again. Josh nods, patting him on the shoulder. Josh grabs the phone from me, and I make my way over to Jordan. He blushes as our eyes meet, and I can't help but giggle. Looking back at Josh, I see his eyebrow raised and it takes everything in me to not laugh.

Considering Jordan is a good foot taller than me, I wrap my arm around his back while he wraps his around my shoulder. Josh takes the photo, grinning. When Jordan asks for a photo of just us two, Josh skips over to me, pecking me on the nose. We do a silly pose with the both of us doing a fish face.

"Thank you so much." Jordan says, hugging Josh and I. Josh nods, smiling at his fan.

"Anytime, dude. Hey, write down your name for me on a piece of paper." Josh says, to which Jordan instantly does. He hands it to Josh, to which he stuffs it in his back pocket. "Come to the concert tonight. Just say your name to the ticket collector. Trust me, you don't want to miss tonights show."

Jordan nods ecstatically, and dismisses hisself to go back to work. Josh and I sit down, going back to enjoying our pizza. We joke around for a couple of minutes, both of us making fun of each other.

"Oh, yeah. You're going on stage tonight with us. Singing a song." He says after stuffing the last piece of crust in his mouth. I choke on my drink of soda, and look at him with wide eyes.

"Excuse me? What song?" He looks at me with a smirk, and for some reason he has blush on his cheeks. He takes a long sip of soda, as if ignoring my question. I glare at him and he throws his hands up in surrender.

"Just be there for sound check. Jenna has an outfit picked out for you." He won't stop smirking at me, and I'm starting to grow nervous.

What does this boy have planned?

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